Problem use thai language with display.newText

My code is

local textQues = display.newText( "test ทดสอบ", 20, 100,native.systemFont , 24 )

"test" is show but "ทดสอบ" not show

How i do ?

It works for me, see

I think this has got to do with the fact that the thai text is based on a particular font, now you said you are using windows, the font that you have that the simulator uses, might not have the Thai characters, for which you might be using a Thai font.



you write test code

local textQues = display.newText( "test ทดสอบ", 20, 120,native.systemFont , 24 )


??? I used the same code as you and it just works on my simulator on a mac.

I did not quite understand your question about

"you write test code"



thank again @JayantV
problem may be happen from simulator on window
but i need use window i try other solution

very thank.

I cannot solved yet
corana administrator please help me

local textQues = display.newText( "test ทดสอบ", 50,100,native.systemFont ,50 )


views:1570 update:2011/10/17 8:58:49
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