Question about app markets


i have a question for anyone who released their game/s on android market or apple app store
This is regarding information about personal details. Is "seller" for app determined from name on bank card, personal information of apple certificate or its a line in what i can type any name i want?

I just want to know for what to be prepared in future, so any help will be appreciated. Problem is that i have not personal bank card and i'd like for app to show my name, not bank card name for "seller"


On the Android Market, just register and pay $25, they do not bother you after that.

On the Apple Market, You register (I believe you will register as an Individual, unless you have a Company, with a Company Registration Number, I do not know the rules in your country for a Company) with Apple and they will ask you for Proof of Identity, which will be the name that you will get. Then when you create the App, you can change a few things, but your account shall always be with your name.

Does that make sense?



thanks a lot

views:1422 update:2011/10/16 9:47:44
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