Good performance on iPhone, poor performance on Android

Hi guys,

what I do is frame-by-frame animation.

I put objects in the display (including big ones, like backgrounds, and small ones), and then I just move their x and y values in order to make the animation, movement.

On iPhone I have good, smooth performance, but on Android (higher end devices) I got lags, 150 millisecond frames and more.

If I have display objects that are outside of the screen, can this lower the performance? What should I do in general to make a better performance on Android?

Thank you!

Really I'd start by just optimizing your code.

What is your FPS to? (By default, it's 60.)

Your objects off the screen - are you using them? Because if not then yes, you should clean them up ASAP.

Peach :)

If I clean them, I have to load them later. This will cause lag, in my opinion. I need everything loaded in the beginning, and I do that by loading objects and keeping them off the screen.

If there is a better way, please share :)

that is the common woe that most of the developers have with Android. An app that Runs on the iOS crawls on the Android.
However you are free to optimize it, that will give you *some* benefit. Still there are developers that have amazing apps for Android that work fine, but then there are apps that just ... well Android was not meant for them ;)



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