Change MovieClip object frames images during runtime

hello corona developers

i have question when i create movieclip objects like this

local myObject = movieclip.newAnim(frames1)

i need to change these frames that playing on myObject on touch event i make something like this

if ( event.phase == "began") then
Frames2 = {"img.png" , "img1.png" , "img2.png"} = movieclip.newAnim(Frames2)

thats not working with me when i touch the objects its frames is still the old frames (frames1)

why ???

thanks in advance

See this;

You'd create a myObject2 or the like with the frames you wanted in the other sequence then remove myObject and play myObject2 :)


thank you @peach pellen

but i have another question about scaling on android device can you give me accurate number for the different resolution images

i have problem on scaling so i set up also config.lua can you give me the scaling configuration that will works in android devices

application =
content =
width = 320,
height = 480,
scale = "zoomStretch",

imageSuffix =
["@1"] =2,
["@2"] = 1.5,
["@3"] = 1,




is this configuration will work in all devices

Hey there,

Read this;

Then, if after further reading, this has a few bits of extra info too;

The first has examples for the kind of scaling you're looking to do.

Peach :)

views:1313 update:2011/10/15 21:01:16
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