Adding enemies and more?

Graham and others:
I am new to Lime as well as corona
In looking at this tutorial:
(Building a Platform game with Corona and Lime)
Can someone please tell me how to go about adding enemies?

I also am curious how to go about an interaction between
the player and an object/or/npc, like having a message pop up.

If anyone could please provide some example code it
would be greatly appreciated.

Things like enemies, NPCs and other things like that are really outside the scope of Lime. With Lime you could do things like mark the placement of them etc however the actual code for the enemies would really just be straight Corona code.

It also really depends on what you define as an enemy, is it a static image or will it need animation? physics? AI?

I recommend having a look through some of these tutorials to bring you up to speed on general Corona topics if you haven't already done so - - for instance if you want some info on AI this one is pretty good -

This tutorial will show you how you can spawn objects from within Lime -

views:1714 update:2011/10/13 16:30:09
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