Using Swipe with director


I am wanting to use the director class for a Children's book, where the pages will come up as a screen and they may have different elements on that screen.

However, instead of using buttons to change the pages, I was wanting to use a swipe functionality similar to the slideView class or the standard Apple photo app, where I swipe left or right to advance the screens.

Has anyone successfully done that, and/or does anyone have examples?



Hi Darryl,

A lot of people ask me for this feature. I'm working on something for this on one of my projects.

I don't know when I will release it but I hope that will be soon!

Please let us know. It would definitely be like a sliderview on steroids!

Thanks for all your hard work and in sharing the class to us noobs.

Sure, thanks!

that'd be most awesome to have!

views:1442 update:2011/10/13 9:25:17
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