Event.Completed bug?

I have been building an audio queue for my app, which works pretty well. But when I stress test it, I find that eventually all the audio event.completed properties return false, even when I slow down again and clear the queue of everything.

The basic scenario is this: I have in my main.lua file all the audio queue functions, and successive screens call these functions to add new sounds to the queue. As sounds complete, they clean themselves up and fire the next item in the queue. Sometimes an audio item needs to get pulled from the queue early because the user has left the relevant screen. I find that after that happens, all audio in the queue stops, and no further event.completed calls return true.

I have not isolated this in a test app, but I wanted to check in about it in case others were having this problem too.


views:1214 update:2011/10/11 22:13:38
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