isSecure in TextFields strange behavior

i try to make 2 Password Fields, each with a pre text ("password, or password repeat", grayed out.

when the user does click a textfield the text color should come black, text empty and isSecure = true

but actually the textfield keeps readable (not secure) when the user clicks the textfield ... but
when he does leave it and jumps to my second pwfunction2 it does activate the isSecure for the first textfield?!?!?!

Could anyone please have a look in my source whats wrong with it.. also i would be glad should i just need to call one function, but i don't know how to get in my function form from what formfield the function was called ( does not work)

function pwfunction (event)
if event.phase == "began" then
pwField1:setTextColor(0, 0, 0);
-- pwField1.text = "";
pwField1.isSecure = true;
elseif event.phase == "editing" then
pwField1.isSecure = true;
elseif event.phase == "ended" then
if pwField1.text == "" then
pwField1:setTextColor(155, 155, 155);
pwField1.text = "Password repeat"
pwField1.isSecure = false;

function pwfunction2 (event)
if event.phase == "began" then
pwField2:setTextColor(0, 0, 0);
--pwField2.text = "";
pwField2.isSecure = true;
elseif event.phase == "editing" then
pwField2.isSecure = true;
elseif event.phase == "ended" then
if pwField2.text == "" then
pwField2:setTextColor(155, 155, 155);
pwField2.text = "Password repeat"
pwField2.isSecure = false;

pwField1 = native.newTextField( 50, 150, 680, 60, pwfunction )
pwField1.inputType = "default"
pwField1.text = "Password"
pwField1:setTextColor(155, 155, 155);
pwField1.isSecure = false

pwField2 = native.newTextField( 50, 250, 680, 60, pwfunction2 )
pwField2.inputType = "default"
pwField2.text = "Password repeat"
pwField2:setTextColor(155, 155, 155);
pwField2.isSecure = false

thx chris

at all i guess i could forget about all...
should i be able to place in the textfield a predefined text like "enter password"
that disappear when the user makes an input and/or the field is not empty :)

views:1430 update:2011/10/11 15:24:38
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