Static, embeddable version of Corona


It would be wonderful if you could make available a static version of the Corona engine that could be loaded natively and run along side other native code. This is an alternative (imho preferable) to native plug-in support.


Corona is a good rapid prototyping tool, but it's currently limited by the fact that extensibility is difficult to impossible depending on the task at hand.

The built in Facebook and OpenFient support is mediocre and hard to test, harder than the native libraries themselves due to the current build process. You don't want to continue maintaining wrappers to all these things yourselves anyways as it detracts from your core product.

Building anything that requires serious connectivity is a huge kludge right now and would likely have to be written in Lua and require weird hacks to work asynchronously when there are plenty of existing native libraries.

Embeddable vs Native Plugins

With the current build server pushing native code plugins upstream to compile is a daunting the developer experience would be pretty awful - being much slower than typical native development.

You could still provide a trial version of the embeddable engine that displays the native UI popup when the engine is loaded.

views:1765 update:2011/9/18 20:20:08
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