Can we install LUA extensions? If so, how?

I wonder if it is possible to install LUA extensions (C libraries for example, to extend the functionality of LUA). Is this possible either with the Windows or Mac version of Corona? And if so, how?

I am looking for bit operator support, for example, and would like to install the LUA Bit Lib. Is it possible to extend the LUA version that comes with Corona or do we have to wait for a Corona update?

I have the same question.

Welcome to ghost forum =D

Nope you can only use plain LUA files, that's it.

What you want was request a loooong time ago (at least a year ago) but so far no signs on the horzont that it will be implemented soon. I would not wait for it.

From a technical standpoint, if Apple would allow dynamic linking and loadable libraries on iOS, it would be more feasible for us to implement this feature. There are an infinite number of C modules that can be written for Lua. Because we currently must statically link, we don't have a good solution that can scale.

All of you that want this kind of feature should tell Apple you need this (and it is not a security risk since their rules already state that all components must be present at ship time) by submitting a feature request at

You can cross reference my bugs which I copied to Open Radar so everybody can read: (Apple bug ID: 8473578) (Apple bug ID: 8473551)

The more people that tell Apple they need this, the more likely it is Apple will actually do it.

views:2009 update:2011/10/10 21:27:38
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