Lua editor for windows

Just found this:

If anybody else knows of some free/cheap editors, it might be helpful to post them here.


My favorite text editor on Windows is Notepad++. It's essentially Text Wrangler for Windows, and Text Wrangler is my favorite text editor on Mac. I write Javascript and Python in it, and it's what I'd program Lua in if I used Corona on Windows. This isn't a full IDE with stuff like auto-complete and code folding, but it has all the features I use (syntax highlighting, multiple document tabs, diff, etc.)

+1 for NP++

It is fantastic. Syntax highlighting and loads of plugins. Plus it allows you to have split screen with two code windows which is great if you're working on lots of files.

+1 for NP++ with Function List Plugin.
Very good choice is also Zeus for Windows (but it's not free).

I recommend Sublime Text. Really nice editor and great themes :)

// Ed.

SciTE from Scintilla is an excellent tool for sandbox testing lua code before you bring it into Corona.

You can run your code and see the debug output from within the editor. but more importantly you can set breakpoints, step through your code and inspect variables. If you're writing any complex lua libraries it is a must have. Easy to use and small footprint.


Do you folks know if any of these are extensible to add code highlighting for Corona? And I mean, for mere mortals who want to work hard at it, not super awesome neckbeards! ;) I'm gonna check 'em all out!! WOW! Sublime??!?!! Who knew?!!? Sooooo prettyyy.

OK, plugin for VS2008 and VS2010 for LUA code.

It's what I'm using ATM.

How can we get code completion on Windows?


Textmate Bundle:

Textmate Compatible Editor For Win:

Nice one, thanks!

I can't get autocomplete working with e-texteditor...the docs say CTRL+SPACE...suggestions?

Okay, if I do "local hello = Dis" and hit CTRL+SPACE, it doesn't autocomplete, but once I do "local hello = Display." it does. Better than nothing!

Edit: Ah - case sensitive...

Has anyone tried using Eclipse? It seems it's the default for android development and comes in a windows flavor. Just wondering if it's working out for you.

I know this may not be for everyone, but I have been working on a Lua IDE within IntelliJ.

If you would like to try it out, there is a free version of IntelliJ 10:

There are loads of pictures here on the wiki page:

github page:

ohloh page:

Here's an (incomplete) feature list:

Lua language integration

1. Basic Completions Experimental
2. Multiple documentation providers Experimental
3. Resolving Globals (Compound vars are buggy) Experimental
4. Custom API Support Experimental
5. Function Information via Quickhelp Experimental
6. Hilighting of Upvalues and Fields Experimental
7. Goto Symbol
8. Safe Delete Experimental
9. Rename Identifier Experimental
10. Quick Documentation
11. JavaHelp For Lua 5.1
12. Execution in the Kahlua interpreter
13. Identifier Highlighter
14. Go to definition
15. find usages
16. Code formatting
17. Keyword completion
18. 5 code intentions(s)
19. 6 code inspection(s)
20. Highlighting global vs local variables
21. Script execution and run configurations
22. Kahlua interpreter window for interactive script execution (repl)
23. Comes with an embedded Lua compiler written in Java (Kahlua)
24. Structure view
25. Syntax checking
26. Syntax highlighting - including proper handling of extended syntax comments and quotes
27. Customizable highlighting colors
28. Code folding for code blocks and comments
29. Brace Matching for do blocks, long strings and comments, and (, { , [
30. Minor feature: comment in/out.

To install the Lua plugin, use the plugin manager inside IntelliJ

To do so, choose File/Settings/Plugins, and Locate the Lua plugin and right click it and choose install.

Mike Hartleft is doing inDEED

from his forum post

Hi folks,

finally... today I was able to start the damn simulator from my IndeED port for Corona. During the last weeks I pulled out my no more existing hair about this. And was about to give up. Now I can finally go further and port/add the features to IndeED. If you don't mind tempory programmers art for the icon... here is a little screenshot:

The UI is not final but I just wanted to share my happy moment. You can't imagine how frustrated I was about not being able to get it working. But now I f..k..g did it. YEAH!!!

So what is IndeED? In its windows days (2002-2007) it was a code editor/IDE for a lot of basic dialects. BlitzMax, Blitz3D, IBasic Pro, HotBasic, etc.

Here is a screenshot from the never released successor of it:

I made the mistake by supporting to many languages at the same time with the full feature set. That was VERY difficult to maintain. A serious computer crash and not able to setup my dev system the way it needed to be (DELPHI and its components) basically rendered IndeED dead in 2008.

Now in 2010/2011 I will resurrect IndeED as an editor/IDE for Corona SDK.

Stay tune and if you want, let me know which features you would like to see in an IDE/Editor.

Michael Hartlef

I have just added a language file for the
Source edit application. with (hopefully) full syntax for lua.
the editor can be downladed for free from
and the language fila for lua can be found at
it will come public in the weekend (2011-02-20) or if you want it in advance send me an message and i mail it to you.

There are some stepps that has to be done in Sorce Edit soo that the language will automaticlly be selected for lua files:
1. copy lua.lng to the Lang folder of the source edit installation.
2. start source edit
3. in tools menu select options
4. in options dialog select files
5. Select "Lua" in the Language dropdown
6. In maps to files type "*.lua"
you can also add file types to open/save dialog
type "Corona SDK" in file description
and "*.lua" in file extension
click the add button.
Save the settings by pressing the OK button.

A List of LUA Editors

Just tried Lua Edit, both 2.5 and 2010 and had issues with both on my 64bit windows 7. Firstly, 2.5 would not run, secondly in version 2010 the auto complete did not work.

However I did find this Estrela Editor which worked out of the box well for me. It doesn't even require installation, just unzip and run the exe
The Auto-complete works well, a scroll box automatically pops up and you can see what syntax & keywords are available to use.
However, the tooltips are somewhat limited. But bear in mind, this project looks very fresh, barely 2 weeks old, so it looks promising.

Since I'm a beginner to Lua, and have little experience in programming, the two key features I'm looking for in an IDE,that is:
* descriptive tool tip (not just for errors), like TextMate
* Auto code completion, like in TextMate

Any recommendations?

Big Adept of TextAdept:

A wonderful software written in Lua for Lua users. Is working on Win, OSX, Lin and is regularly updated.If something is missing you can simply add what you need writhing some Lua code!

reddotinc : I wish I coulf use Sublime too, but I can't make RUN working, in textmate on my mac, I just do command+R and my simulator is launching : how can I get the same on windows ?
( BTW, this question is not directed only to sublimetext)


Eclipse is my Editor of choice. Nice organization and can be used really well with svn servers.

LuaEclipse is the plugin for lua:

Hope this helps you Eclipse fanboys.


I've been using NP++. Everything is working great except I can't get the "Function List" plugin completely working.

When I select Lua as the language in the Function List i get all the functions listed, but I loose all the style in the *.lua files.

If I reselect Lua from NP++ language menu, i get my styles back, but all functions are removed from the Function List.

Appreciate any help.

I really recommend for new developers to not reinvent the wheel when it comes finding a nice LUA IDE with an easy install. The best resource and up to date Lua comes from, believe it or not; World of Warcraft. With a customer base in the 11 millions and a game based around a customizable Lua interfaces they have created some very nice self sustaining IDE's for LUA, and up to date functionality.

Go here to see the list:

This is my Favorite:

I've actually added Corona API definitions in my own XML, for faster code hints.

Komodo Edit is nice also.

Stay away from the WowUIDesigner as it adds a character to the save files that the Corona compiler can't handle.

vrodgers, thanks for the replay and the list of IDE/Editors.

I tried a lot's of IDE/Editors and ended up with Notepad++. It does basically everything I need and not bloated. Lots of useful plugins, also added Corona API definitions to NP++.

I can do without the Function List for now, but might come in handy when my code starts getting larger.

Hi. Sort of just stumbled across this thread here.


I think its great you are using AddOn Studio 2010 for mobile dev and, if there is anything I can do to make using it easier for you and others, please let me know. Free free to submit bugs or wishes of any kind at, or to contact me at

I really do want feedback if you have any. I'm still in a big round of active development and would to make my efforts more generally useful.

Glad you are enjoying it. :)

- Celess

Thanks for the great contribution to the VS developers. I will review it and hopefully it will be a better solution for me.
Currently using eclipse, because I also develop Flex with .NET.


AddOn Studio 2010 version 3.0.10611.0 is being released right now, which should go a long ways toward helping whoever is using this IDE as a part fo their development with Corona.

The standard Lua docs are much more complete, and the intellisense descriptions and infratructure should come leaps and bounds closer to what one might experience using other languages with VS, like C#. The performance, especially during the code sense portion where the 'list' popus up should be far less laggy and feel much more like the performance of the other MS shipping languages like C# and VB.

Specfically for Corona, there is now a starter CoronaAPI.xml in a 'Lua\Documentation\Corona' folder, that only needs to be copied to the Lua\Documentation folder to enable basic Corona api lookups. The other wow specific xml doc files can be placed in a wow folder, or deleted to remove the wow documentation from being used by AddOn Studio. The CoronaAPI.xml file is a cleaned up derivative of @frnapps' corona xml documentation from his post If there is interest I can process the Corona api into more real and complete docs. I have to admit that I have read none of any kind of Corona user agreements, nor have I ever seen the Corona platform product. I lay no claim nor wish to interfere with Corona or its interest. And this sparse intellisense API doc is use at your own risk :) blah blah blah...

The new release can be found, as always, at

Happy to help. Let me know what you think :)

- Celess

+1 Scite it's simple yet powerful!

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