Load screen and loaders on Android

On my DHD the loadanimation from default.png is not visible. It's just black. Is there some way to fix this?

Next question. I'm trying to to a loader so the first screen i load is just a small load screen with the text "loading" then when "screen2" is loaded into memory i wanna switch to it. How do i do this?

Last question. I have searched and then search some more but i could not find anything about making an in game loader. Is there any nice ones out there?

Check out director class. There's a bunch of examples there.

Examples on transitions yes but not on an actual loader.

To load in levels and so forth is not a problem for me but if i on one page for example have to get information from internet i wana show a loader while it's going.

And still my question about the default.png. On my android this is not visible, it's just black and some users think the game have cached..

I suppose you might be able to find some kind of loader, but in my experience things like level loading etc are very specific to the type of game you have.

If you just want to display some loading text while things loads, that so easy you dont need a 'loader'. Just display text, bring it to front.

If you want to fade the background change its alpha, or make a rect behind your text the size of the screen and set its alpha to 0.5, and fill to black, that'll fade everything behind it.

i dont understand what you mean by default.png. Is this something specific to your game or something? Some more info might get u an answer :P

(1) Okey, so no one knows if i can make a procentige loader when i load my *.lua with the new level? Or if it's even possible?

Of curse i can put a loader text in the front but i was going for something more refined. :)

(2) "default.png" is a image you put in your root folder then Cronona automatically make this your loader animation while the app's first frame is loading.

It works fine on iPhone but on my Android HTC DHD it is just black while it loads. No animation of the "default.png"..

Is there some way to fix this or is it an Android problem so you guys have to fix it?

Oh i see. Well you can make one easily yourself.

Just make a loader bar image, and a separate image for the bar. Then position the bar in place and scale it from 0 to 100% to make it increase size as it loads.

You can set the % in between your code as things load. You could set a slow transition from current stage to next, and when u hit the next stage just cancel the transition and speed it up. This will create the illusion of the game loading continuously rather than in stages, while working with different load times on different devices.

The default.png i have no idea, i've never used it. You could just ignore that and load the image manually at the beginning of your code?

Thx kam187, you gave me som ideas. :)

views:1557 update:2011/10/9 9:57:41
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