Android compatibility issues


I am a few weeks into Corona/Android/Windows. Getting things up and running on the Corona simulator was great. But ever since I started trying to get something running in Android it has been not so much fun. I keep having incompatibly issues. Currently I have what is likely some kind of table trashing issue. I started using Android tools to try and get a peek under the hood. The ref for a function is bad when running the android version, I loaded up with prints to try and find the spot where things went bad. Turns out in the beginning of my main, where I do my requires, some of the code is running twice. (Or at least the prints are seen twice.) It's not in a loop. It's not in a function. A portion for flavor:

local MainScreen = require "MainScreen"
local MainCreate = MainScreen.create
local MainRelease = MainScreen.release
print("Boot - MainScreen "..tostring(MainScreen))
print("Boot - MainCreate "..tostring(MainCreate))
print("Boot - MainRelease "..tostring(MainRelease))

In adb logcat I see those prints twice in a row. Now as I said, the Corona simulator version runs fine. My question, which I am taking way too long to get to, is how much grief have people doing Android builds had with incompatibility, and can I do anything better than prints and logcat to try and find problems?
I know I will find the problem above at some point, but there is a certain level of frustration with the feeling that I am trying to debug a mnemonic memory circuit using stone knives and bearskins. :-)

Sorry for the length, and thanks for any insight.

OK, found a couple of little things wrong. But number one problem is ... Simulator is NOT case sensitive!!!! When errors show up in your main, and the actual problem is two levels of requires below that, it is brutal.

views:1687 update:2011/10/9 9:57:41
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