Publish to markplace takes HOW LONG?!

Hey guys,
just uploaded my new app to the android marketplace about an hour ago, yet the app is not showing up in the marketplace online or on the device.

Just wondering from others experience with publishing apps, does it usually take a while for the app to be listed?

thanks for your help

Nevermind, after a good 24 hours it seems that my app is up on the marketplace, thanks anyways

how and on which device did you test your app? can you please share how you tested the apk on your device? tks

I tested my app on the HTC incredible, through out the building of the game i would build from corona, and use drop box to move the APK file to my android device and test it. is that what you are asking?

views:1394 update:2011/10/7 17:24:19
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