Request to ANSCA on physical unit specs

Please specify the physical units for the values which are entered in the following library functions: body:applyForce( fx, fy ), body:applyTorque( Tx, Ty ), body:applyLinearImpulse( Ix, Iy ) and body:applyAngularImpulse( Ax, Ay ). In addition, the units definitions for the two damping functions will also be appreciated. We assume, for example, that the linear force function will be in terms of the product [ acceleration (pixel/sec^2) ] X [ object area (pixels^2) ] X [ object density = Kg/(pixel^2) ] X [ a mass constant ] etc. Anyway, that's the idea. Looking for the physical units and the constants (with units for the constants too, of course) used for these. This will be most helpful. Thank you!

views:1486 update:2011/10/2 9:44:12
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