SpriteLoq and Director Class

Hi everyone,
I'm building an app using SpriteLoq (porting from flash) and using Director Class for the scene management. The problem is in the loq_util module, who forces the use of declare function to manage globals variables. So, when the spriteloq library is required, all global variables are not available.

¿Any suggestion?


Javier Perez.

Hi Javier,

You can disable that by editing loq_util.lua. Comment out the setmetatable call at the end of the file and comment out the contents of the declare function. I haven't tested this, but I believe you'll be able to call globals then.


Hi Javier,

I've updated loq_util and the other modules so forced declaration of globals is no longer a requirement but an option, (set loq_DeclareGlobals = true before including any part of the library).

You can download the Spriteloq API, http://www.loqheart.com/spriteloq/downloads/extras/spriteloq_libs.zip, and drop it into your project. I haven't updated the sample apps yet, but I'll upload new ones soon.

Thank you so much, Don.

I've already commented the error trigger in the loq_util file, now I'll try the new version of the API.


No problem. Btw, the sample apps have been updated as well.

If you have a question and need to get to me ASAP just email support@loqheart.com, and I should get back to you sooner.

Thanks for checking out Spriteloq!

views:1607 update:2011/9/30 9:15:39
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