Physics collision detection

We are trying to use the physics engine to do our collision detection for us. I dont want to use gravity so i made the objects kinematic, but they don't seem to trigger collision events anymore. Is this true or just a bug I'm experiencing in my code?

Do kinematic objects trigger each other's collision events?

Can you have a kinematic sensor?

If so do two of those trigger each others collision events?

So far my own research has shown NO


Hey rhalferty,

I think the easiest solution to your problem is to make your objects dynamic again but when you set gravity, set it at 0,0 - that should fix your issue.

For a description of physics body types, in detail, check out the physics API :)

Peach :)

Thanks peach.
you are a super genius. This works great.

views:1557 update:2011/9/29 19:21:19
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