Hi-Resolution (Retina) Text

So, I've got normal and 2x resolution graphics, and everything looks great on higher-res devices, except for the text created with display.newText(). Other vector rectangles, circles, etc. look great. Why doesn't the text? Any way to fix this? Thanks!

Excelent point, I have the same question.

I think the Beebe games class has something for this, but I haven't had time to look through it yet (maybe you'll do it for me and let me know how it works?)

I also have this question. So far, it seems like one would have to use images/sprite sprite sheets but I'd rather just use text.

Hey, so in the beebegames class, the retina text function just basically takes the normal parameters plus a few extra, doubles the text size, and sets the y and x scale properties to 0.5. Nothing too complicated, but I didn't even think of doing that! Hope that helps hdez.

Doesn't work in the list view. Causes gaps between the list items :-(

Here's an even better solution that trumps the old retina text function in the (now dated) BeebeGames class:


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