Limit to iOS 4 and newer in iTunes App Store?

Is there a way, maybe a setting that can be put in build.settings, to limit the iOS version to iOS 4 and newer? It would also be important for this setting to carry over to the iTunes App Store, so customers know whether or not they can use it. There are various reasons why I want to do this, such as not needing to test on older devices.

Yes! Its possible, you just have to use system.getInfo, you can read about it here. For example,

print( system.getInfo( "platformVersion" ) ) 
 -- print the platform Version.

Thanks, but that's a runtime solution, and at that point the user has already bought the app and will then either leave bad feedback or ask for a refund. I'm looking for a solution that tells the iTunes App Store that it's iOS 4 and newer. In Xcode this is done by changing the "Build Setting" > "iOS OS Deployment Target" to iOS 4.

Oh alright, i'vd never done that, but its possible. You can read about it on this page, its about half way down. Here is some more information that might help you.

It looks like adding MinimumOSVersion = "4.0.0" to the iphone plist table in build.settings should fit the bill. The last verification would be to upload an app to the iTunes App Store and see what happens.


No problem, happy to help!

views:1601 update:2011/9/28 21:38:26
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