iAd support?

Can we integrate iAd by Corona SDK in the near future?
Thank you.

Opened as feature request #253

How is this comming along? For me that's up there with in game purchases, as in it's essential for lite version of games.

Any ETA on this? admob offers nowhere near the returns iAds does.

Any ETA on this? admob offers nowhere near the returns iAds does.

unsure on what data you base that but you should update your sources as they are totally wrong.

Optimally mobclix would be integrated as it offers admob, iad among many other networks.

iAd on its own is useless, the fillrate dropped below 10% which is not even horrible anymore but inacceptable.
With Mobclix you can compensate for that by filling it with admob and a plentitude of other advertisement networks.

Also mobclix fullscreen ads don't work that different from iAd.

and mobclix is android + iOS

Interesting. I really don't have much experience with advertising except what i've heard from others using it on a one to one.

From what I can see iAd offers the best 'returns' per click and impression but if the fill rate is ridiculous then its pointless. I tested out admob and they don't pay per impression, only per click. That's probably more sustainable, but doesn't work for all apps. For example on my game I'd prefer to display an add on the load screen for a few seconds than have it pause for interaction.

Also admob only serve the 320x48 banner ads to iphones which doesn't work with my app.

I'll check out mobclix. Is there any way to integrate their ads into corona? Can they be handled through a simple web request like admob can?

PS. This is one of the things I read:


I would like this feature too.

Ansca people, when implementing this in Corona SDK make it so iAd and Ad-Mob are a all in one package so it switches to Ad-Mob when theres no iAd available. So when we use this within our apps/games we just add the app id and keys etc.

Hearing some very bad things about mobclix, for example:


It seems they are not that reliable. I wont be using them :/

Hi, would like to know if iAds will be implemented anytime soon?

I aspire after the iAd support.

I examined building in AdMob.
However, the advertisement is a little in Japan.
Moreover, it is not being offered to iPad at all.

There are a lot of problems in the support to Japan though Corona mobile is wonderful.

views:3236 update:2011/9/18 10:09:28
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