Application Suspends and Exits

I am trying to get a definative answer re the question about the problems there have been about Application Suspends

Basically if in build settings you put

(IApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false) your app will resume from where it left off, but is the the case on all target devices now? As I have read on forums about devices crashing.

(IApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true) just does an application stop and when relaunching app starts app afresh.

In the current app I have IApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false which does resume OK on my Ipad and have a menu button in the game which does an os.exit(). However is doesn't exit the app just goes into a sort of resume so that when I relaunch it goes to the last suspend rather than run app from the start.

Answers greatly recieved

views:1480 update:2011/9/28 9:01:40
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