Creating a list view with multiple columns

So I hope someone will be able to help me or at least point me in the right direction. I have been looking at the list view example code which uses a table to create a scrollable list. I am developing an app for the iPad and would like to use the larger screen to my advantage and allow for two columns, kind of like a grid with rows and columns that would be scrollable.

Would anyone know of the best way about achieving this?


Cool concept, There is a ListView2 sample in the SDK download that may work for you.

I have not tried this so forgive me but you could create a list and add it to a display Group set the width of your display group to about 50% of the screen.

Do it again and for a display group that you position on the other side of the first one.

The example actually hast a tableview.lua file so you could edit the source on how things are positioned and rendered ( ie. Width of the list ).

Good Luck


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