Perlin noise

Does anyone have any links to lua implementations for Perlin noise? Everything I've found so far is C code. I was hoping for an easy dropin to use Perlin noise to generate some cool snowflake motion.

Did you ever figure this out? I'd like to use noise functions as well for a number of things in the Corona environment, mainly for ambient motion on objects. I work in visual effects where we use various noise functions all the time. I'm a little surprised the base math library only offers a random function and not even a basic Perlin noise.

Anyone at Ansca able to chime in on this? Would it be possible, for instance, to download and use a Lua implementation of noise via a "require" statement? And on a broader level, does Corona support the usage of any arbitrary Lua module regardless of developer, i.e. as long as it works in Lua is Corona able to support it all the way to the compiled native app (iOS or Android)?



Perlin noise? Corona API can't access per-pixel bitmap from an image for now. The imaging API is fairly basic and rather primitive.

Hi, thanks for the quick response. I'm actually not worried about noising up an image but rather using noise for motion animation, i.e. using a continuous noise function to animate the x & y values of a display object (as opposed to using the random function).

Hello Ken4,

Oh i thought you would like to add perlin noise effect for image. Of course you could make LUA module by yourself implementing perlin noise logic :)

views:1869 update:2011/9/27 18:14:54
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