more full sound capability

Add the following essential capabilities for sound:

* looping (number of loops, loop forever)
* onComplete event
* volume
* pan



* the ability to record (and later play) sound through the device microphone/audio input OR at least access sounds from the Voice Memos app
* access sounds in the music library

Just bumping this request as well. It would be handy to have a few features from OpenAL like vol/pan/loops (mentioned above) along with pitch. Also, it would be great to be able to get levels/spectrum analysis from sound output (and input).

Any hope for more full sound support in version 1.2?


Some new support will come for sound in 1.2


How to capture the end of the audio file with current version????


OpenAL or similar game sound engine support please!

Corona is fast enough for most 2D style games, however the sound effect support, (I guess in Corona that would be event sound) is extremely limiting.

To make a game stand out, you don't only need flashy graphics. All the Game edition demos look amazing, but none have cool sound effects. How can we possibly compete with games created in C or C++ or other 2D or even 3D game engines?

I downloaded a demo of a game created in Corona last night. Nice game. But it suffers terribly from the lack of a descent sound engine. The sounds play at the wrong time, and there is clearly no mixing or volume control. People won't spend money on these games. They will get poor to average reviews and will fall off the charts as quickly as they appeared.

I purchased Corona to speed up my development, but not at the expense of quality! Since you are advertising a new Game edition I assumed (incorrectly) that decent sound would be included!

Please let me know if true game sound support is planned, and when/if I can expect it. I for one am not prepared to release a game with such poor sound support

Hi, d0nl. We agree that the Corona sound API needs improvement! This is a frequent request, and we're looking into API strategies now.

Regarding Game Edition, note that it's currently an "Alpha" preview (not even beta yet), and there are a number of things not currently included that will be added before release.

Hi evank. The fact that the game edition is in Alpha is fair comment.

When can we expect to see a list of features for the "final" release and when is the final release scheduled for?

Do you plan on allowing programmers the ability to include their own "C/C++" Lua extensions? This would allow us to come up with some of our own solutions to sound api's for example. After all, one of Lua's strong points is that it's extensible.

+1 for pitching sound

also onSampleData event would be great ;)

(see flash 10)

Any update on this? I'd really want to pan mono sounds at least to the left and right, or if you're really going all out with OpenAL, maybe 3D sound?

Pitch definitely.

+1 for Pitch as well

+1 for pitch control. thanks :)

Im developing for android, and am having the hardest time getting any sound effects to play well, ive wanted to use the "Audio" API, but the play back is terrible, and so now i get to use Media.playSound which is not that great either. My game visually is great, but now it will have a downfall because there are such limitations with the sound API =(

views:2045 update:2011/9/18 10:09:28
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