Do you plan to release a Windows version of the Corona SDK ?


Although I love the iPhone, I'm afraid I'm not a Mac kind of guy. Do you plan to release a version of Corona SDK running on Windows??

Best regards,

At this very moment we don't have any plans to release a Windows version.

Let me ask our registered users, how many of you would like a windows version?

One thing you have to understand, in order for the app to be signed for both iPhone install and iPhone App store distribution, with your Apple certificate, it has to be signed using an Intel based Macintosh. This is a requirement from Apple.

Your thoughts?


I too would like to see a Windows version. I'll qualify that by saying that I've been in the IT industry for 29 years covering everything from mainframe systems development up to enterprise Web application development and management. I've had the opportunity to use (and modify) many different operating systems but I'm struggling to become productive on the Mac just so I can use xcode. It's a user-interface thing more than anything else and I'm sure I'll overcome but it's time consuming.

I'm drawn to Corona SDK because of it's promise to make it easier for non-Apple experienced developers to get involved with iPhone app development. Objective-C is just one hurdle. The development environment is another.

Not going to happen guy.. has nothing to do with Anska or Corona... it has to do with Apple... you can not develop iPhone apps on a Windows machine... period! Just not gonna happen.

Hi, just my 2pence, i'd love to see a windows version. I'm only a hobbyist (for now) and my pc is (performance wise) far superior to my mac, and i'd love a way to develop on the pc and just push to the mac for compiling/deployment or even just to app store it

Having a windows version would be fantastic. I understand you need a mac for the final step of releasing an app, but with the Corona Simulator windows development would be very useful.

As with Fwerginz, I have a long history in application development and the IT industry, working in environments as diverse as Perkin Elmer and IBM big iron, through AS400, Unix, and PCs running DOS, Windows, linux, and/or LAMP and WAMP stacks ...

While there are some pure OOP concepts that I'm seeing in Objective C (taking me back about 18 years, in fact) I too am struggling with both the environment and the language while running on the Mac.

So yes, a Windows version would be more than welcome.

For those people (correctly) stating that one needs to have a Mac in order to get the app signed, yes, but that is not the point. As noted above, I do have a Mac; several, in fact. I can and shall use them as and when necessary, and that is further down the track.

Without the Windows development environment, that point - further down the track - may never be reached.

I think that if You are really interested to develop APP for iphone, you must buy the necessary "tools"

I just spend about 1000 euro to buy a macbook 13", only to try Corona... and obviosly about 600 euro to buy an iphone.

It's a little expensive, but this is what Apple want...


You have to remember too that right now, you can't submit an application to the app store from a windows machine. This isn't a Corona limitation, its an Apple limitation. You can write your script in whatever you want as long as you output a text file named main.lua. If we created a windows version, you would still have to have a mac to do anything with the application.

Personaly I signed up for this out of hope that a windows version will come along. I absolutely refuse to fall into apples greedy clutches and dole out $666 dolars for a mac mini just do make apps to help improve their device. But cygwin and Edict are so scary and while their are some deathly complicated ways involving ubuntu and android SDK or pirated vmware OS's none of these make much sense.

Personaly all I would like is a simple SDK and emulator, then if I develop a winning iphone app I can buy/steal/borrow a mac and compile and submit it.

I think that the simulator and GUI builder is all us windows users want from this.

Continuing this thread, let it be known that I own a Mac and all the necessary tools. I don't have a problem with Apple trying to control the environment. That's not unusual in this business. The real point here isn't to shortcut Apple but to shortcut the learning curve. However, with everything that's been said, I guess it is what it is and this argument isn't going anywhere.

I have been developing iPhone Games/Applications on a PC using Windows XP and
GLBasic which generates an XCode project for me, I then load this project over
my Home network on to my Intel Mac Leopard OS86 10.5.7 and compile for a
straight2market Distribution.

To be able to do this with the Corona SDK also would be fantastic...

Just my 2p worth!

Best Regards,

We were very excited when we discovered the Lua language, with the promise of being able to write cross-platform (iPhone and Android) apps without needing to master separate languages (Android, JavaFX, Objective-C).

And we were over the moon (pun intended) when minutes later we discovered Corona, which would make this work much easier.

But then we realised after reading some Corona documentation that:

  1. Corona doesn't run on Windows or Linux machines (we have both, but no Mac)
  2. Corona is planning to ramp up support for Android

Our collective feeling was: :-( [sad and disappointed face]

You may find that the majority of Android developers are Windows and/or Linux developers.

If you can, please, please port Corona to either Windows or Linux.

We understand that you may not enjoy porting to another platform, just as we don't relish the idea of mastering the Mac platform (and buying a Mac). The irony is that Corona is supportive of cross-platform development of apps that run on the client mobile end (iPhone, Android), but not yet supportive of the development process itself being cross-platform (Mac, Linux, Windows). And we accept that.

We hope you will consider porting Corona to Windows or Linux. There will be a lot of Android developers who will flock to a great development tool like Corona, knowing that down the track they can easily deploy their Corona-developed Android apps to iPhone. Then they'll go out and buy a Mac to conform to the Apple requirements.

Just give it some thought.

I'd rate this as a very nice to have.

I'm a happy Mac user and I don't have a problem with the Intel Mac hardware requirement. However making the simulator available on Windows greatly expands the pool of programmers and artists I can collaborate with.

afaik you need to have xcode installed (for code signing I guess).. which will not be possible for windows.

With the addition of the Android platform to Corona, an windows based version would make more than just sence. Of course, no iphone creation there. But for Android it would be a big plus.

I did never do anything for android... afaik you use java there? Why do you guys want to use Corona at all?

For the Iphone you can use ObjC. So why use Corona there you could have asked also. Jeez....

Obviously I was asking about Windows...

And I use Corona on Mac because I thought it was closer to my protoype code which was done with Python and PyGame... So I gave Corona and Lua a shot for this project. I love to try out new computer languages for some projects and Lua was on the list since I wrote some WOW plugins for my wife some years ago.

I currently start to regret using corona because I have to wait for stuff like an UDID or fight with defective Text rendering... Also need to work around missing SSL support and other stuff which my application would need.

If I read about what Android support can or better can't do atm... I wonder why you use Corona in its current state. Thats all.

Why I use Corona? It is easy to use (thanks to LUA) and so you need less typing. You get things on the screen faster. Does it lack features I would like to see? Hell ya. Would I love see faster bug fixes or faster development? Sure, you can bet on that.

But is that holding me back? Nope, I work around it or leave a feature out. Point blank. If my life would not through bricks at me atm, I would have my app already done. Anyway, if I want to have it all, I have go back to ObjC. On the Android I started to try things in JAVA but that would be something to start from the very first for me. The dev environment is in my way. Personally I am waiting on the Android side now for something vom Blitz Research to arise on the net as I love the Blitz languages. And I am sure that it will rock.

With Ansca/Corona someone has to use the product as it is. With all the bugs and quirks. And if it doesn't work, someone leaves and uses something else.

Well I agree about writing code around "problems"...

To move away with more than 10.000 lines of code and having the app in playtest with >10 testers (partially even payed ones) would be kinda stupid... because of missing UDID access?

I will even publish it without having the UDID support available... but I have to move to ObjC for the next project which can't exists without as it registers devices for the purpose of license counting.

I already skipped OpenFeint (for now) because it is not usable for my needs till they extend the interface so that users switching can be recognized.

I moved over to prerendered "Text" as images because the text rendering routine is buggy and creates artifacts. Made some stuff even prettier too. But also creates more work for an iPad Version.

Telling me to have to "work around stuff" when I mention flaws and bugs is a moot point and nothing I'd expect from devs.. nor from other users. I sure do that... and I am pretty good at this.

Those bugs and flaws exist and should get sorted out... Having reproducible bugs fixed should be always priority. I am confident that Ansca thinks the same.

I am not writing in this forum because I hate Corona, Lua or Ansca... I write because I think it is great and could be even better if some of the little details would get more attention.

Well, I was in the same boat as you before. I bitched, complained, etc etc. Since I am participating in this forum, nothing much changed regarding how Ansca is dealing with the problems. Sometimes it looks to me like they are doing other stuff and not work mainly on the Corona Engine. But they talk a lot, that's for sure. They promise a lot too. Still, bugs won't be fixed fast. You wait for ages for some features to arise. For sure AM is playing SJ in his arguments. Reading all these feature requests and bug reports from the last year now fit in the picture.

Anyway I gave up complaining. I will finish my app with Corona. By that point and if I don't see that things have changed, then I move on. Point blank. Corona is just a tool, not a religion.

Hmm... The game edition and recent bug fixes made me think they are pretty active and responsive in general.

Android is going to overtake iOS soon in terms of handsets out there. Surely it makes absolute sense to have a Windows or Linux version of the Corona SDK because there a lot of people with no interest in targetting iOS. Why would they invest in Apple hardware ? I think you're severely limiting your potential user base.

@AlanBourke ... Did you saw this? ...

I am going to stay away from that mess and concentrate on the >100 million devices with predictable hard- and software standards and "one Store". But that is just me :)

Yeah, I saw that, and if you actually read it you'll see that of all the versions of Android there, over 100 of them are homebrew builds which I frankly would disregard completely. 99% of the users on that are using official 1.6, 2.1 or 2.2. And the Tweetdeck people were also at pains to point out that the different Android platforms and phones were not that much of a big deal - it was other people who went into panic mode.

So - I have nothing against the iPhone or developing for it but until I am in the position to spend a stack of cash on a Mac and so on solely for mobile development, it would be great and sensible to have even a Linux version of Corona.

I am not against an Windows Version of Corona for Android OS ...

But I am much more for the missing SSL or Async HTTP Support and more "Native iOS" Elements in the first place... this has sole selfish reasons and this is part of why I pay(ed) for corona... giving me the tool to create great and competitive iPhone Apps at a time as it could not even compile any real application for Android ...

In addition I do not believe into Android as my market yet! This is the old "low hanging fruits" symptom... Yeah it may grow in market share.. but nobody "protects" my investments as good as Apple did the last years to me!

Just to add to this conversation regarding Windows & "can't submit Apps": there's the DragonFire SDK which promises to allow iPhone development on Windows. I think they achieve that through a web interface. If they did it, it's not completely unthinkable. But I can't imagine right now the hoops they (or the developers) have to jump through in order to make this possible.

Just registered and downloaded the SDK as there was absolutely nothing in the user journey which indicated I would need to be on a mac. Understand the situation but would have thought that there would be a Windows version for Android development.

The idea's fine in principle, since the compiling seems to be done at the server end, but IMHO Anscar has more urgent issues to attend to.

I, like others I know who wanted to jump on the iOS bandwagon, bought a Mac for the purpose. It's not such a big thing. And if you have any familiarity with Unix you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I would not like to see valuable resources tied up porting to - and maintaining - another OS.

Well, two grand for a Mac on top of the Apple fees and whatever Corona costs per month may or may not be a big deal depending on your circumstances. However I have no interest in developing for iOS and I still think Corona is severely limiting its potential audience here.

I totally agree. I think I'd buy this SDK as soon as it comes for Windows. To purchase a Mac is no option for me. It IS possible to create iPhone Apps under windows, just look at the DragonFire SDK and/or Airplay SDK.

Ok, Screw Apple, I want to make Android Apps, that has nothing to do with apple, so why do I need a mac to make android apps?

Windows version will be very welcome! I have a good pc, a android phone and i want to make games for android market. I dont want to buy a mac to do android games.

apple only doesnt want the programming language not the OS, with that said, check out Airplay SDK, I came from there until I realized: C++ sucks monkey's dangling balls, also I had to write my own sprite module to animate stuff.

Totally interested in a Windows version.. I see this thread has been going on for some time now.
Hopefully some decisions have been made and work being done towards this goal.
Especially with the big news break Corona just got with that 14 year old developer.

I would like a windows version, since I don't have a mac, and since they are quite out of my price range, it would be great to have a windows version!!

I'd like to see a Linux version. I'm interested in Android development only, really not an Apple person, so don't care about compiling iOS versions. It looks a very nice tool just for Android apps.

Would license in a second if it were ported to Windows - seems like kind of a no-brainer - why not capture your market while you're hot?

I don't care about the bloody iPhone, I want it for the Android functionality.
I avoid most Apple-products like the plague ( except the iPad ).
So yes, give a Windows binary, and please compile an x64 as well if easily doable.
Also, Mac's are stupidly overpriced compared to hardware.

Personally I use Mac, Windoze, and Linux. I would like Corona on all three. Linux seems to have great open source support for graphics and code editors so it should be a great platform. When the project is done I could push it over to Mac from one of the other platforms and finalize it there.

I would love a version of Corona for Windows. I just signed up for Corona, only to discover I need a Mac. As others have said, why should you need a Mac to create Android apps?

Also, if I could use Corona on my Windows machine, then when I was done I could finish it on a friend's Mac if I wanted to post it in the App store. No need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a Mac, which I don't want anyway.


Completely agree with derwydd, if I can't get a Win binary, at least a Linux version would be awesome.

Let me say this in very simple terms, having a windows version would be fantastic, wonderful, great, super duper, did i say fantastic?

Plus think about it most developers use windows not mac os, so you would open up to many more developers..

hmmm wait that's more people for us to compete with - forget it don't add windows... lol

HI, I´d like a windows version not for my android, just for any kind of mobile: android, iphone, rim....even nokia: something real crossplatfrom. Is it possible?? Is it phonegap or flash/air?

You won't be developing for iPhone without a Mac - the Apple iOS SDK requires it and I doubt that situation will ever change. And that's fair enough. However Corona allows you to target Android as well, so the fact that the tools are Mac only strikes me as limiting for Ansca Mobile, they could be reaching so many more developers. Doubly so given the lack of decent games on Droid.

Well Alan, that's not completely true. Both DragonFireSDK and AirplaySDK work fine with Windows and can create iPhone apps.

I will also say a windows or linux version would be awesome. I am becoming more familiar with my mac mini everyday but I could speed things up greatly on windows or linux. I'm just so much more familiar with the short cut keys and closing a window on the right instead of realizing the x is now on the left not to mention the dynamics of the home/end keys.

I love my new mac but I could be more productive on linux or windows especially in the prototyping phase.

I would love to see a Win7 version of this product. I have nothing against Macs at all, but 99% of my work is PC-based. I can't get funds for Mac hardware unless I buy it myself, and the wife already gives me hell about the PC upgrades :).

If you do decide to jump into Win7 with this, I would be happy to help beta-test as well.

Thanks for your consideration.

The evil reign of !"#%! Apple on Corona is over :D

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