Does anyone have Inmobi ads working in a released iOS app?

I spent some hours today trying to test ads and couldn't get anything useful to appear.

Running the demo app today showed nothing at all for the 320x48 banner but did show something for the 300x250 banner. When I last ran this app a week or two ago, it did show something at 320x48. AFAIK I'm using exactly the same code, the same appID & the same testMode setting so I don't know why it now doesn't work any more. I am interested in a 320x48 banner.

I modified my not-yet-released app to include ads today and saw nothing appear. I tried testMode=true as well as false, tried my appID as well as the test appID on Inmobi's FAQ page. I even tried someone else's appID that I found in the forums. Nothing seemed to produce any results at all.

The space on the screen for the ad still intercepts touch requests which means that the button I had placed beneath the Inmobi ad (which sent you to the appstore to buy the full version of my app) didn't work. Would it be possible to not intercept the touch request in these cases?

As I don't seem to be able to get any of this working, I would like to be able to see any example of this working. If there is anyone who has Inmobi ads working in a free app for iPhone, please let me know so that I can get you app and at least see how it works. I'd like to see what the delay is after you tap on an ad, where it returns to when you leave the ad, etc. All normal stuff that developers need to know. Also, if you have any tips on testing ads and getting them to work, please do let me know!


Don't bother to test the inmobi ads on iOS yet. They have not fixed the crash issue caused by incomplete load of ads.hide() since discovered on 8/2/2011. If they don't fix the crash issue, you have no way to put it up in the app store because it will crash all the time.

@jinwchen, I had read the thread about the crash issue and it was also something I wanted to test for. I don't intend to use ads.hide() so does that mean I'm ok? Instead of ads.hide(), is there a ads.x or ads.y property so that the ad can be moved off-screen?

My last test of the day yesterday finally showed ads!! This used Inmobi's testing appID with testMode=false. When I got up this morning, I reran it and ... no ads shown even after letting it run for a minute or two. I've since relaunched the app a few times, and it eventually did show ads, then stopped showing ads. SIGH...

While the ads worked, I also noticed that:
- when no ads are shown, touch events are intercepted so my button underneath does not work, so nothing happens
- when ads are shown, touch events are let through and my button underneath gets triggered, so instead of going to the ad, it does whatever is defined in my button (which is to go to appstore).

I cannot understand why it is designed to work this way? Isn't it completely the wrong way round?

views:1775 update:2011/9/26 8:07:09
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