Do i need an iphone to build/publish for apple?

I've built some games for Android and am now trying to publish them for Apple, however I do not have an iphone, only a mac. Can I still publish to the apple store? I was reading the documentation, got the cert installed, now it looks like I need to setup an iphone before I can proceed. This true?

No, you don't have to test your app on an iPhone to publish it to the apple store.

But, I think most people will tell you that it is a bad idea to publish it without testing it on an actual device. Just because it runs fine on the simulator doesn't mean it will run OK on the device.

You could also try getting some beta testers who have iPhones to test for you. Sometimes people post on these forums looking for beta tester. You could also try the testflight group.

Thinking about this a little more.....

Xcode has a feature that makes it easy to grab screenshots from an iPhone. You'll wants these when you publish to the apple store.

If you use beta testers, they may be able to grab these for you, but they would need a Mac with Xcode installed.

Why would you need screen shots from your iPhone. Just run the game in the simulator, prtscrn, then edit the photos in Photoshop or Gimp...It's not that difficult.

Jordan Schuetz
Ninja Pig Studios

If you want to generate AdHoc-profiles in dev center, you need to enter an UDID of an actual device - a developer profile should work without an installed device...

You don't need an iDevice for publishing to the AppStore, but if you don't test on an actual device, the risk of being rejected by apple is quite high. There are many many possible factors for failure - your app may seem to work in a simulator but on an actual device it's a completely different story.

If you don't want to buy an iDevice,
get some beta-testers (and use AdHoc profiles)!


Do you absolutely HAVE to test on a device? No.

Is it a truly terrible idea not to? Absolutely.

I'd strongly encourage you to invest in an iDevice for testing purposes. Not testing on device is not a good. Ever.

You can pick up some very affordable ones, especially in the US - Best buy has the latest 8GB iPod Touch models for $205 :)

A good deal for something you'll be testing on for at least the next two or three years.

I think this thread is very "yes and no" and doesn't mention the other alternative

I don't have an iphone BUT my girlfriend has an ipod touch 1st and 2nd gen which are fine for testing and grabbing screenshots, and they'll obviously be a lot cheaper. She has an ipad toi which i occasionally test on but i like to use the ipod as a test for my optimisations; if it runs at a nice framerate on a 1st gen ipod touch an iphone or ipad will have no problems

Long story short, you need to test on device. It doesn't matter who owns the device or what generation it is, although an older device and a newer to compare is ideal.

Not testing is a good way to miss things, get rejected and start the review process all over again.

Yeah that's what I'm saying. But the guy specifically asked about whether he needed an iPhone, and everyone was equating "it's better to test with a device" with "you must own an iPhone"

All's I'm saying is "an iPod touch will do for most cases and is cheaper"

ios Device!=iPhone

Actually if you look at my previous post, you'll see my suggestion for an iPod touch at Best Buy ;)

views:1726 update:2011/9/25 12:40:18
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