Sound Spinner: Barnyard Edition (iPad)

Hi Everyone!

Sound Spinner: Barnyard Edition was accepted to the App store! It's an iPad kids game hearkening back to the "See and Say" of childhood. If you don't recall or never had one, it was a big circular platter and you pulled a string which spun a deal in the middle and wherever it landed a farmer would come on and tell you that was a pig and then there'd be a pig noise.

Well, we took the basic idea and made a few improvements... enter Sound Spinner. Same basic concept only with fun graphics, some hick farmer voice (I wonder who that is???), and some real animal sounds (that send my dog running around the room).

We've already got an updated version in the pipeline along with 4 or 5 new "editions" with all new graphics and sounds. Fun times!

Many thanks to Ansca for a great toolkit!

And... here are some links!

Our website:
Sound Spinner Page:

Please do link/follow/friend/like/etc also, we will certainly reciprocate!


And here's a few codes for the app (if they get used up, please drop me an email:



Hi Scott,

I just downloaded your program and your graphics and sound is pretty good and so is the animation.

I did see a problem with the W3 link button. It gives a Page Not Found error at


Hi Scott,

I like your graphic style. Really cute and it should help catering your audience big time.

Wish you success big time with it!

Who did the GFX?

Michael Hartlef

@MikeHart what I or Mike (from TA) didn't make, we got from Almost anything we did get from there was modified for our purposes.

@Fogview thanks Tom! I just switched our website over to drupal last night and forgot to change the redirect from the App landing page. :) All fixed now.

We've seen some sales already and hope that will continue to build as we start getting the advertising monster into motion.


Hi Scott,

I have a couple of kids that I would like to show your app too. I think they will love it.

I was curious about two things you did:
1) The orientation transition is very fast. Most iPad apps take a second top change. I do like the animals changing but not the farmer.

2) When switching between the Chicken and Sheep you swing the farmer almost 360 degrees. Is this the way the mechanical game works?

My one suggestion would be to show a quick text message with a fad-out transition whenever the "tag" is pressed. It wasn't obvious at first what it did.

I can see extending this game by adding more (advanced) animals levels and even going beyond barnyard animals.

Anyway, good job and I hope it sells well. When I get a chance I'll write a review in the Apps store.


@Fogview that'd be great, we'll take all the help we can get! :)

1 - Yah not sure how that's going to work in future versions. We might just go the easy route and let corona handle it with a little repositioning. When I rewrite that segment, I'll take a look at making the transitions go a little slower.

2 - That's actually a "Scott was too tired to figure it out before we shipped it" feature. Hehe. It's already been worked out. With the bizarre way object.rotation updates I had to clamp it down every time I checked the value so I could insure my calculations were correct. All better now tho, it always takes the shortest path to the animal.

3 - That's a great idea, I'll definitely add that in.

4 - Yup, already hard at work on 4 new ones. :)



views:1688 update:2011/9/25 3:38:56
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