Holiday Advent Calendar HD Accepted and Live on App Store!

Below is our app description and link to our website with video demo and of course iTunes store link.

But the REAL story is how fast this came together and where we started. My creative partner had the idea probably September 17th. We submitted the binary to Apple on October 25th. A little over 5 weeks from start to finish (well, v1.0 anyways...I've got a new feature and a couple bug fixes in the works already).

And when I say "start to finish" I almost darn near mean START as in literally start developing from scratch. I've been in the IT business for awhile and have created batch scripts in DOS, and studied BASIC and a little C in high school (LONG time ago now) but other than that have NEVER DEVELOPED A SINGLE PROGRAM (and please don't say "and it shows" :).

Yes it's a simple app but even this would not have been possible without Corona (thank you Fishies example, that got me started...and can't forget to thank Ricardo for the DirectorClass, that was key as well)! Amazing tool compared to the other options out there (Obj-C, Cocos2d, Titanium, etc).


Sentactio is excited to present Holiday Advent Calendar HD!
Holiday Advent Calendar HD is a professionally hand drawn scene that starts on December 1st. Each day an ornament appears and when tapped fades away to reveal a new part of the story, culminating in a warm, classic holiday scene on Christmas day.

Holiday Advent Calendar HD is a great way to bring the family together and start a new annual holiday tradition.

Gather together to see what new aspects of the story will be told each day in December.

Use the completed artwork as part of your holiday cheer on Christmas day by displaying the scene and listening to 10 popular instrumental holiday songs.

Enjoy what is truly important this holiday season and let the Holiday Advent Calendar App HD tell your family a time-honored story of childhood Christmas joy.

Can you and your family guess what each new day in December will bring? See if you and your family can guess the next part of the scene each day!

• Hand drawn scene created by artist Harry Lau
• New art to surprise and delight each day from December 1st to Christmas Day.
• 10 tracks of classic Christmas music
• Ability to unlock the calendar so you can enjoy it all year long


Couple of promo codes:

V nice. Installed it and looks/sounds amazing.

Thanks Carlos!


Just thought I would post here that Apple selected our app to be in the special Holiday category (for iPad apps). We're pretty excited as there are only 51 apps chosen!

Thanks for all your support!


Congrats !!!!!!!!


Just saw it on the holiday page !!


you should tweet about it, add the #ansca and #coronasdk hash and we can then re-twit.


Oh great idea Carlos. Thanks! I just did it...hopefully correctly. I'm actually a Twitter newb...


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