I Will Be A Convert

I recently read the news over at GameSalad, and I can say that I'm leaving. If there are any GS users here, my GS forum name is iDeveloper-Is-Leaving-GameSalad (previously just iDeveloper).

Hope to get enough money to buy Corona.

I hope Corona doesn't go GS on us.

Dear Ansca...
Be prepared for a mass migration of devs to Corona from GameSalad. They just committed suicide today by converting to a revenue sharing model combined with big brother publishing control.

If you guys can get a GUI in place sooner than later...those devs will come by the 100s and you can put the final nail in the coffin.

I agree. Corona should get working on that GUI NOW.

A GUI is somewhat of questionable value and needs too much resources to be built. Besides this, most 2d games have dynamic level setups, so a GUI would be of no extended usage, since the developer must create/handle/remove the objects programmatically, according to user behavior and difficulty management.

Better documentation, current issues resolving and features enrichment is what I would propose.

Hi !!

Welcome to Ansca Mobile, to the Corona forums, and the Corona community.

Ansca is a company founded by developers for developers and strives to stay true to our vision of being the best tool to make mobile apps for everyone who has an idea. Borrowing from our About page on our web portal, "We are a company that understands the fast-changing mobile marketplace so that you don’t have to — our founders and engineers have built world-class products at Adobe, Apple, and Pixar."

My commitment and the commitment of each and everyone here at Ansca is for you, our developers, our community.

If you have any questions about Ansca, about our thoughts, or just want to introduce yourself, please feel free to contact me directly at cicaza @ anscamobile.com even if you have support questions, or general inquires about Corona, that's my direct email address. I look forward to hearing from you.


ps: also known as the co-founder....

Wow..... I'm impressed!

An actual staff response? I'm not used to staff communicating this rapidly. The "staff" (or who ever they are) over there at GameSalad are more like teens.

My rant:

Someone posted this: (a member)

"Well, they can't just blurt out a response. They have to all talk it over, talk to the money men, talk some more, have lunch, talk some more, decide what they are going to do, talk to the money men some more, then get the decision approved, written up, approved, talk some more, and then finally come to a decision.

Then the decision has to go through a 3 stage approval process where each part is approved, stamped, approved again, sent back for review, and finally, after everyone agrees that we in fact do not need to put hamburger mix into the gasoline engine, they go to sleep. A job well done."

Then one of the "staff" posts this:

"Something like this, only completely different. And without the sleep and the lunch."


OK... Wait.... WHAT!? This is no time to be joking around! Members are pissed, and this is how you handle it?!?!?! If you can't handle something this small, then HOW are you gonna handle 1000's of developers?????

You can see the "staff" response here: http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=11808
The post is in yellow. (aka "Yellow Post")

Once again, thanks for replying, Carlos :)

Thank you Shane.





I also wanted to extend a warm welcome to potential converts. ;-) I think you'll find an active, engaged and supportive community here. I'm continually impressed by the passion that developers have for Corona, and the fun they have creating with it--not to mention the success they have bringing those creations to market. And that passion and fun shows not just in regular forum postings, but in donated UI frameworks and libraries, copious code samples, code editor extensions, export utilities, and more.

So have a look around, download a trial, and thanks for the interest!


Hey iDA checking out options glad to see some familiar names here
Just getting started looking around here again looking for a good tutorial for beginner got a little novice programming knowledge
Looking for a bunch of small tutorials that show one small step at a time
Well anyway looking forward to seeing a lot more gs pol here

Oops, was logged in as "regular" Tim not "Ansca Tim" for that last post. :-)

Thanks my mind is running all over the place cause I've got 3games in the works in gs that I slowed down on two months ago just incase I didn't like what gs was doing so I got my answer today and here I am so if u could and I think this would help a lot of gs users who come here is a start here then this, then this,...... Just to help get our feet good and wet cause y'all gonna have some who are coming from a visual mindset of programming

Are there any step by step guides for something like a breakout or pong game complete with score and levels and scenes think this would be very helpful so we could get a hands on experience of how to Structure the code for a real working game


Take a look at our code pages http://developer.anscamobile.com/code where developers submit code and our sample code pages at http://www.anscamobile.com/resources/samples/

If you think we need something additional, or have any suggestions, please post away or email us at support @ anscamobile.com


I almost forgot,

Join our twitter and facebook to keep abreast of what is the latest Ansca and Corona happenings.


and videos at



Thanks Carlos also I need to have my trial reactivated if you could I'll b dl cge later
I'm going to check out the code section in a minute but if you know of any tutorials like I mentioned above a link would b great
Not that I'm making a game like thoses but thought it would b a simple game tutorial to understand if it was commented
Again thanks
One thing that I would like but understand if u can't or won't would b a no time limit or longer time trial licenses

I dnt undrstnd twitter spk.


Tr r 2 gms on d cde scton


Hmm.. Looks like after our redesign, we dropped the Samurai Kitchen sample and our pong sample. I will zip them up and send them to you.


Thanks that would be great

Hi everybody:
To tell you the truth, I was scare. After yesterday's news I said well that was a hello and good bye for me since I just recently started this game making thing since june and as a hobby. You have to put a lot of time and effort to create a good game and lets face it the general idea is the dream of hitting the right spot to get rich, like hitting the jackpot. After the GS news I said, I cant do this any more. Because if I am going to leave half or more than half of my revenues between apple, GS and the government, it just not going to be worth it. Not worth the time. I have my own business and have a family so if I was going to sacrifice some of their time, creating apps it should be for a good reason. For me I think that reason ceased to exist in GS. I couldn't sleep last night, I was really depressed. Today I see the Carlos post in Photic website, then I come over here and see the welcoming and some familiar faces and I have to admit that I can see a ray of light, hope...
I will definitely give this a try.
Thanks a lot Ansca staff for the welcome I really appreciate it.

Expect A LOT more people in the coming days/weeks.. This just might be a really great time to get involved with Corona.

// red.

Yeah another addition JCFord

Good to see you over here JC :)

// red.

Nice to see you fellow ex-GS users.

The old www.GSProForum.com website has a global post that you can use to ask super-noob Corona questions if you don't want to appear to be a super noob on this forum. Maybe Carlos will check in once in a while there too.

I will try to post snippit links over there of super noob stuff to check out as I find them on here. You can also use it as a GS to GS migration thread to sort out concepts and ideas as you adapt to the new way of organizing your logic.

Corona is quite different than GS. GS hid a lot of things from you while trying to "simplify" its assembly process. Perhaps it will become location to share game porting tricks as you mature into OOP logic structures.

sounds great synthesis

Good to see you here too Synthesis :)

// red.

I am making the switch it feels good to see the developers actually care!

Way to go Ansca!



Hi everyone !

@jstrathan - will reset tomorrow.

@synthesis - will check it out. ( send email to our broader team at support @ anscamobile.com ) so that they also know about the URL.

And noob questions, post them here as well........ and if you feel your q is too noooooob - email me direct at cicaza @ anscamobile.com


Hi folks,

Just want to say hi and welcome in this community.

I hope you will enjoy Corona as much as we do.

Michael Hartlef


Thanks Mike
Thanks Carlos will I get a email or will it just happen
Welcome gamexcb

Welcome all the new users to Corona forums. If you have any questions you can post them in this forum and we will try to help you out.

Corona SDK and Corona Game Edition come with lots of sample code and you can find user contributed code here: www.developer.anscamobile.com/code

Again, welcome aboard.


thanks tom

Hi guys... Familiar faces indeed. :)

I have to say I'm blown away at the personable nature of the Staff here. The fact that Carlos tells users to email him directly for uber-noob questions makes me grin. Very un-Gamesalad of them ;)

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to regret this decision.

3cord Design
(formerly Jweaver from GS)

yeah Carlos is great
oh and get use to the reference if you like me you'll live there

I love it here too - slowly but surely learning; I'm still a bit overwhelmed by it all but impressed at how much progress I've made given what little time I've been poking away at LUA. :)

The super supportive and friendly staff along with the fact we no longer have to deal with that particular GS member who was horrible and negative to people constantly is just a huge added bonus on top of having a good, solid alternative to GS.

Plus, there's just something about coding the feels more rewarding than drag and drop ^-^;

+1 peach

+100 :D

Coding games and putting the effort in yourself to learn the code increases your knowledge tenfold.. Better games here we come :)

// red.

*purrs* +101 is a lot of +s :P

I'm still such a total noob, but making things work; like when you have a small issue and you fix it, is SO rewarding.

I put openfeint in my "learn some basics" type app and my GOD, it was awesome seeing that dashboard launch. :D


Good to hear!

From a VB Semi-Developer, I know the feeling of having coded something successful.
I glad the trial provides the ability to test on my own device.

It looks like LUA has it's similarities to Visual Basic; so it should be an easy learning curve for me.

@peachpellen, glad you like the OpenFeint! It sure adds a whole lot of bang with very little effort, don't it.

It really does!

I have a question that may or may not get seen for a time but I figured I'd ask anyway;

I have an actor I want to move side to side on Tilt; I've tried using Gravity but it feels like slipping and sliding - is there something better to use? or is it more a matter of playing with my actor's physics settings?

Peach :)

Hey peach, check this out! http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/corona/corona-sdk-accelerometer/

Hope that helps.

// red.

I was looking for that earlier as I remembered seeing it, then wondered if I'd imagined it as I couldn't find it for some reason.

Thanks very much, I'm sure it will be a great help :D

One other question for you, or anyone else who might know - is it possible to have a physics object, how to word it.... "stay upright" or the like? It rotates when hit with other objects but I'd prefer it didn't.

Thanks for the help, both that just given and that I will hopefully get from you, or someone else, over this :)

PS - I'm slowly improving. I think in a month or so I MIGHT have a half decent game. We'll see ^-^;


local heroright = display.newImage("heroright.png")
heroright.x = centerX
heroright.y = 130
heroright.isFixedRotation = true

This is what I would do!

Also I dont think centerX is the way to position it in the center, use

(display.contentWidth / 2)
(display.contentHeight /2)

physics.addBody( heroright, {} )

Gamexcb - that works perfect, thank you.

Jstrahan - I had that but missed the line from my copy paste accidentally.

Now, I have one or two other questions I'd like to ask while it seems a good time to get help ;)

1) How would one make it so that the hero could move side to side, X, but not up and down at all?

That one isn't urgent but I'd like to know as it may be needed soon.

2) My hero is able to go through my left and right walls - I don't know why. There is some resistance there but with enough pressure the hero pops through; it isn't at high speed necessarily, just any on going force. (The walls are static and I made them the same way I did a floor in another thing I was poking at - it worked fine in that.) Any ideas?

Thanks to both of you; if you can't help that's fine too - obviously it's early days for all of us and while you're both ahead of me I don't expect you to know it all. Yet ;)

Sorry I don't have any time right now gotta work but I don't feel I'm ahead of you we just started in different places
Any way to move left and right just use object.x=object.x (+ or -) # of pixels is one way or you could apply force in a direction
Check the API under physics and you'll see what I'm talking about
So bye for now gotta get back to work

It's cool, you were a big help with the other problems I was having so cheers for that :)

I'll keep at this, I'll get it eventually :)

@peachpellen - Did you ever find out the answer to your second question (hero able to go through left and right walls)? I'm having the same problem (new to Corona...GS convert). My object moves with ease and will bounce off the left and right walls. However, unlike the floor, if enough tilt is given it will begin to "go through" the wall and eventually fly past it. Any suggestions?

I can't remember 100% but I believe what I did was something like this;

local function keeponscreen (event)
if hero.x < 0 then
hero.x = 0
if hero.x > 480 then
hero.x = 480
if hero.y < 0 then
hero.y = 0
if hero.y > 320 then
hero.y = 320
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", keeponscreen)
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