IndeED for Corona ® SDK

Hi folks,

finally... today I was able to start the damn simulator from my IndeED port. During the last weeks I pulled out my no more existing hair about this. And was about to give up. Now I can finally go further and port/add the features to IndeED. If you don't mind tempory programmers art for the icon... here is a little screenshot:

The UI is not final but I just wanted to share my happy moment. You can't imagine how frustrated I was about not being able to get it working. But now I f..k..g did it. YEAH!!!

So what is IndeED? In its windows days (2002-2007) it was a code editor/IDE for a lot of basic dialects. BlitzMax, Blitz3D, IBasic Pro, HotBasic, etc.

Here is a screenshot from the never released successor of it:

I made the mistake by supporting to many languages at the same time with the full feature set. That was VERY difficult to maintain. A serious computer crash and not able to setup my dev system the way it needed to be (DELPHI and its components) basically rendered IndeED dead in 2008.

Now in 2010/2011 I will resurrect IndeED as an editor/IDE.

Stay tune and if you want, let me know which features you would like to see in an IDE/Editor.

Michael Hartlef

This sounds wickedly interesting! Looking forward to it.

I'm in!!!!


+2 need any beta testers

Thanks for the interest guys. As soon I hit the point where I need testers, I will let you know in this topic.

this looks like what I've been waiting for

Looks awesome; really well done!

Will it be free?


Haha great response. However I feel something like this and CPM would be a lot more successful if they were integrated officially into Corona SDK.

I'm sure Ansca would be more than receptive to the idea.


Just was able to output the messages from the simulator inside IndeED:

Hi folks,

I am looking for someone who can provide me some good or even better awesome looking toolbar icons for IndeED in exchange for a free license of IndeED. If you are interested then please email me at

mike (at) whiteskygames (dot) com

Also you can follow the development of IndeED on one of my websites.

Michael Hartlef

Oh man I cant wait for this to hit beta. I am all in :)

looking good so far.


That looks brilliant. Will you have a Windows version assuming Corona ever makes it to Windows?

@bedhouin: Of course I will.


:) Glad to hear it. There are a fair few of us "rebels" who are working on Win for coding/dev and just writing to a shared folder on Mac for build at the moment.


I thought I was the only one :-) Gotta love Synergy and Dropbox.

@Graham: Synergy is great, except for the fact that Notepad++ for some reason hangs when synergy loses it's connection. No idea why.

How is dropbox working for you - is the syncing within a second or two? I'm using local ftp (crossftp on mac) and network shares from PC to Mac - not without problems but it saves instantly.

Synergy does have its niggling issues however overall it is crazy useful, the amount of times I forget it is even there (a sign of good software) is scare, I'm constantly trying to drag files across screens :-) That would be true magic if they could get that working.

Dropbox for me has been perfect, maybe a second or so delay and it uses LAN transfers for transfers between computers on the same network.

Hah! I've done that once or twice too! Drag and drop will come one day soon I hope.

And you're right it's amazingly transparent I've shown it to people and they just don't get it - they think it's an extended desktop on a single machine.

I will ditch crossftp and try dropbox then. Thanks for the tip - I had no idea it was able to do P2P, I thought it was host based all of the time.

It was a new feature that got added fairly recently I believe. Plus you get all the usual benefits of it being a basic source control and backup tool.

It looks great!

Now i am using Corona Project Manager + TextMate but i would gladly change TM for better editor with:

- Code completion for Corona functions(like in eclipse)

- Option to set own colors (i use dark color theme)
- Option to setup bin and src folders (thanks to that src folder can have subfolders and bin folder will be flat copy of src for copying to devide)

I would love to field test the beta of IndeED

Thanks Piotr,

>>- Option to set own colors (i use dark color theme)

You will be able to set the colors in the option dialog of IndeED.

>>- Code completion

Code completition is also on the dev list. The interesting development part will be to make it able to detect which type a user defined identifier has. Forstandard commands like display.NewImage it will be very easy to implement. Basically a nobrainer.

>>Option to setup bin and src folders

Its part of the project support for IndeED. Which I had that already planned as a feature when I first announced a project called ToolBox4C on my website and in twitter. I am open for suggestions here as I did not start on that part yet.

I want to have the first beta out around Wednesday 26th. I did not decide on who will be able to test it and so on. If I find a way to make that beta time limited, I will make it an open beta test everyone can participate.

Michael Hartlef

Anyway much more is comming.

Another great features which i was used to using FDT for AS3 programming was:

- ctrl (command) + click on function name to go to definition of that function
- selecting block of text will highlight all occurrences of that text in a document

The second is nice to have... but the first one is something i would really like to see implemented.


>>- ctrl (command) + click on function name to go to definition of that function
Do you mean the definition inside your code or a kind of help text

>>- selecting block of text will highlight all occurrences of that text in a document
This is done also in my dev environment for IndeED and so it should be replicatable.


>>-Do you mean the definition inside your code or a kind of help text

To explain this i will borrow the description of this feature in VS:
"One of the useful, features if you're using lot extensions is "Ctrl + Click" go to definition feature." "it enables you to quickly navigate to definition of a member or type within your code. You can accomplish same behavior out of the box with VS by right-clicking on a member/type and then choosing "Go to Definition" context menu item – or by moving your cursor over a type/member and then pressing F12 key. To try out "Ctrl+Click" behavior, just hold down "Ctrl" key and use your mouse to hover over a type or member in your code. When extension is enabled you'll find that this causes a hyperlink to appear under each type/member you hover over."

ok, that definition. Shoudl be doable.


I could find any youtube video demonstrating this feature. In plain words when You hover over function calling, hold COMMAND on keyboard and left mouse click you will be taken to the definition of that function within your code.

When You do this over a variable name it will take You to the declaration of this variable.

Thank you for considering this feature in Your editor.

No problem, I know what you ment and saw it with DELPHI and other tools before.

Hi folks,

more news from the IndeED front... Code Completion is almost complete. :-)

It will support SDK functions and also your own functions in that code file.

Michael Hartlef

Looking good !!!


do you think you would be able to show autocompletion for required modules

eg if i do this..

score = require("score")

also maybe some way of saving the undo operations to a file so undo works even after a file has been closed out of IndeED and reloaded
kinda like ps does when you save a psd file but have it done automatically so we wouldnt have to save as .lua and .ied or what ever you would decide to use as the extention

Hi folks,

once I get my head around determine which "type" and identifier has, it won't be a problem to include modules inside the auto complete funtionality. But as Lua being so open regarding the definition of variables and so on, it is very tricky. I am struggeling with that atm. I was planning for a beta release today, but this part set me back some days.

Save undo content? Mmmh, interesting feature, but I would rather go for a versioning approach. With a process based application that works on something like an image, the save undo thing is easily manageable. You have your base item and then record each operation you do on it. But within a text editor, the basic item is each character in your source text. Every time you type a character, a new undo state is build. Imho it would be overkill to record each keypress.

Would you really want that?

Thanks for the input guys, I love this.

maybe not every key press but at every save
the problem I've got with my current editor is say I'm working on a file and I save it and do a test run and it doesn't work right so I try something else then something else
then power goes out or for some reason the file gets closed I reboot and/or load the file into editor make some more changes and I don't like where it's going and I want to go back to the point before I started making all the changes I can't I can only go back to the point where I reloaded the project
does this help explain what I would like added

ps looking forward to beta

I think some kind of a versioning system would be the right then for you. I will see what I can come up with once I have everything basic inside.

how!, now corona runs in win32 ... so will indeED run on win32 too?, if not i have to spend a lot of time configuring Scite :(

Hi xxleite,

yes, that's the plan.


thanks mike
as long as that means I won't have to copy my main.lua and rename so I can have different stages of progress so I can go back to a certain point lol

@MikeHart: Not a request for now, but something to think about in the future. Is a dual panel code view like Notepad++ feasible? You can view two files side by side on a larger monitor.

Look forward to a release on any platform, Mac or Win.

@bedhouin: Be sure that I will try to implement this as I like this kind of editing too. Not at first but later on, yeah.

Looks really good! Can't wait for the beta, I'd be willing to beta test!

@MikeHart - do you think you could support split screen in the same file.

Man I can not tell you how much I use that in .NET.

When looking at one function that is suppose to set something up, then splitting screen ( above and below ) looking at another to make sure other things are going on somewhere else.

that is a huge time saver in my book.

I suppose that part could wait v1.1, because I know you can't include everything once.

Like i said 3 posts above, it is on the list. My dev Environment does Not support it, but i already have an idea how to do it on my own.

Ok, I migrated my two blogs into one, so if you are interested in IndeED's progress, you can always look at this side:

Of course, I will add to this topic too. :-)

Michael Hartlef

Btw. hopefully this sunday I can tackle a video, showing IndeED running. Cross your fingers.

Would anyone beeing interested in an Early starter sale? Like 70% off from the projected sales price (59 USD)? And access to the current state of IndeED? Free updates within version 1.x.

Right now I have these features implemented:

- Runs on OSX

- Tabbed code editor areas

- Open files are remembered at closing and reopened at start.

- A list of all functions in the visible code editor; To navigate the editor area.

- A list of all code files in the same folder as the visible code file. Double click on an entry and IndeED opens that file.

- Customizable Syntax highlighting (colors, font, style)

- Find/replace text with regular expressions

- Extensive search functionalities over the current file/selected directories/all open files. The syntax highlighted results are navigatable, means click on a line and IndeED opens that file.

- Run the simulator with the folder of the current visible file and a default simulator skin you can set inside the options of IndeED

- Bookmarks

- HTML export of the current code editor content


Current work in progress:

1) Code completion. Right now its just a list of all Corona API commands plus the functions of the current visible editor area

2) Adding to the IndeED options dialog

3) Implementing Serial number protection


Next things to work on after that:

- Documentation
- Code templates and library
- Target based Projects, so build content can be stored in different folders.
- Backup on Save with the ability to rollback to a previous version easly
- Splitted Editor area
- Other things people have mentioned already
- All kinds of editor dialogs to edit files visually (config.ini, build.settings, collision shapes, polygons, maps, etc. etc.)
- Last but not least, code folding

Ok, that's the plan atm. I hope someone likes it. As it was in the past... I will keep listening to peoples needs and try to implement them if I am capable to do it and it fits into the concept of IndeED.

Michael Hartlef

Would anyone beeing interested in an Early starter sale?

Is the Pope Jewish?

Doesn't matter - do you take Paypal?

Yes, Paypal would be an option.

Let me know the account & amount when you're ready and I'll send it through.

Would anyone be interested in an Early starter sale?


Any plans to integrate with the debugger?

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