App frozen when add InnerActive ads

Hi Guys,

I am use Corona SDK 704 (IOS), I am using DataPicker (Crona Widget Widget), after I added the InnerActive codes as below, App frozen on Both Simulator and iPad. On iPad , the Ad is showing, but App frozen.
what I am doing wrong here?

Also where is the best place to put inneractive codes in my code?
how can I adjust the size of the ads? the size is not fit well my app.

I am using iPad 1 with version 4.3.5

Thanks in advance
local ads = require "ads"
ads.init( "inneractive", "myappleidfrominneractive" ) "banner", { x=0, y=0, interval=60 } ) "fullscreen", { x=0, y=0, interval=60 } ) "text", { x=0, y=100, interval=60 } )

You cannot currently adjust the size of the ads, sorry.

For your issue, are you initiating all of those ads at once? Or is this just some kind of example?

Peach :)

Thank you so much Peach, That's why I love Corona, because there is always some one like you helping us.

Yes, I initiated all ads at once. Now I am just using one Ads and tested with my iPad, it is working perfectly.
Only things is that I can not adjust the size, I think Inneractive should give us the flexibility to adjust the size in the future.

One more question:

I am going to submit my little free APP with Inneractive ads, when user download and use my Free ipad/iphone App, these innerActive ads showing on iPad/iPhone, these ads will use user's network bandwidth(3G or WiFi), should I have a Term of service for uses stating that using this app will use user's bandwidth ?

Thanks again


Hey again,

Thank you for those kind words - we certainly try our best to help everyone :)

I am glad when using only one ad it is going fine now.

For the size, we're aware of people requesting this and so is inneractive, so hopefully in the future we can figure something out there.

For your last question the amount of bandwidth used would be so minimal it's negligible - there's no reason to include this in TOS. (Think of all the apps with ads, none mention this that I've seen.)

That's not to say that you can't mention it, it's just that there is no great need to and it may give users the impression your app uses a lot of bandwidth whereas in reality it would be next to nothing.

Peach :)

PS - I just had my first inneractive app approved by Apple, so far my fill rate is 100% and my CTR is above what they suggest is their average, it looks like a great way to monetize!

Hi Peach, Thanks again for your help.

I am going to submit my little free APP with inneractive ads to Apple within two days.

Have a great weekend.

Not a problem!

Good luck with the app, I hope it does wonderfully :)


I had the same issue as Mila until I read this post... but now, is it possible to initiate and display two kind of ads (banner and fullscreen) in one app? If not possible, then which of the 3 is the best option for monetization? Thanks :)

Hey Mint,

I do not believe that is possible at this time although you could check - do an with a banner, do ads.hide and then use again with full screen. (If you want to test.)

Else, I would use full screen ads. I have used both and full screen is good if your game is good enough to keep people playing.

Peach :)

Thanks as always Peach :)

- What's the number for "interval" that is best recommended, for both banner and full screen?

- I find out that when I include ads.hide, then that ad would simply not show at all, but if I remove ads.hide then it's fine... is it ok to work without ads.hide then?

- Also, is it the same Inneractive app id for both, iphone and ipad? since I'll be submitting only the ONE iPhone + iPad Universal binary? I would like to make sure, since in the Inneractive Corona interface only has the option to choose either iPhone OR iPad -but there's no option for both- to create the app ID for ads...

Interval doesn't have any set in stone recommendation but I personally left it as the default. (Not setting it defaults it.)

Yes, working without ads.hide() is fine, I meant for testing purposes to see if you could switch from banner to full screen, or the like. (Both at once will not work.)

That's a good question regarding the ID from inneractive - one ID should be just fine but having to select one device rather than universal binary is obviously not ideal - I will get in touch with inneractive now and see if I can find out more for you.

Peach :)

Hey guys,

I would like to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. May this year will bring joy, happiness and new challenges to overcome.

Regarding the full screen ads and banners, it is possible to present in one app both full screen ads and banners.
You can set the full screen banner in the beginning of the app and add the banners in the bottom of the app one the user has entered X page.

Regarding the AppID - we do recommend to use 2 different AppIDs for iPAD and iPhone/iPod. As there are ads that we receive from networks that are scaled to be presented on iPhone and others that are scaled to be presented on iPAD.
You can use the same app but in the integration provide portal (channel distribution)947 for iPAD and 642 for iPhone.

Feel free to send me an email for further assistance

I'm in need of advice for ads.
It is clear that a paid app without ads makes the developer feel happy, and that a free version is a good way to get people to notice the paid one.

Ads help cover the free version, and can (it seems ) make more money than the paid ap.

The app I am developing uses all of the screen real estate.
Hiding part of it in a banner simply makes the screen useless, so that would be frustrating for the user.
(Think word processor or spreadsheet with toolbars: I can't imagine any safe place to cover up, unless the ad appears as a banner which can be dismissed easily)

I can see the point of full screen ads, because then its obvious: you wait , you read the ad, then you can continue.

Ive seen posts that say the minimum period such an ad should be present is 30 seconds.
Thats a long time in people terms. (Hold your breath...)

Currently iPad only.
Im thinking popup an ad every 5 minutes, in full screen.
Does that sound reasonable?

I don't really understand the code on the forum which I have seen so far.

Does anyone have some simple advice on full screen vs banner?
iMobi vs Inneractive?

And how the ad is triggered: Do I add a timer and show it myself, or do you just create an ad object and let it loose?

I have used inneractive and inMobi - inneractive has proven to be better in a number of ways. (Better support, higher fill rate, and because of that, better eCPM.)

You'd use a timer for the ad, yes.

For full screen I have been using a 5 second ad, the CTR is above what inneractive suggests is the norm and I don't think it bothers users too much. (No one has mentioned it in reviews yet.)

Peach :)

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