How to build a LOCALIZED app/game?

Hi Devs,

I am searching about how to make the localization of my app with Corona but got nothing until now. So I ask help for you guys because I have no idea how to do it.

I want to have my app localized about 3 or 4 languages (Portuguese, English, French and Spanish).

So as I have Zer0 idea on how to get it done, I would be glad getting a "hand" of someone here in the communty. For example, I have a vague idea that I have to set the CFBundleLocalizations in the config.lua files but just it! :\ And so where goes my typed translations, etc.

Sorry guys but how to get it done at all?


Rodrigo. :-]

views:1427 update:2011/12/2 15:07:10
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