
I was looking around and I have not found an answer to this so I guess I should answer now. How do I control an object with the accelemoter and ONLY be able to tilt left and right and stop when I get to a certain point. I am thinking that means making like a rect and playing off to the side but I dont have much experiance.
BTW this will be for my first corona sdk game and to see if I should purchase a lisense


Visit techority.com great tutorials by Peach Pellen

Control An Actor With The Accelerometer


Thanks KeepTrying :)

Asiankidspro - use the tutorial linked to but simply leave out those parts referring to changing the Y, leaving in those relating to X ;)

Peach :)

You are welcome XD

Thanks I got the code working and everything in going smoothly. I am hoping now to make my graphics not look as crappy as they are right now!

I can't offer any advice there, my graphics are AWFUL. (Except in Burger Cook, but the art there was done by Biffy Beebe, who is awesome at all things artistic!)

Peach :)

views:1636 update:2011/11/26 9:01:35
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