Building for xcode simulator - could not find the sdk?

I'm having trouble when building for the xcode simulator (I need to so that I can make a demo video of my app), whereby the simulator won't run the app and shows the error "ios simulator could not find the sdk. The SDK may need to be reinstalled"?

Short version: I can't run any corona apps in xcode simulator, any suggestions out there?

Long version:

- I am running xcode 4.0.2

- tried corona versions 2011.625 2011.671 among others

- the simulator gives me the option to switch sdk's but none work.

- noticed the corona seems to indicate that it is targeting ios 3.0 (2011-11-14 03:39:41.695 Corona Simulator[7210:903] SDK Root: path=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator3.0.sdk version=3.0 name=Simulator - iPhone OS 3.0)

- Confirmed my 3.0 sdk is installed, but tried just building a sample project in xcode targeting 3.0 and confirmed it fails to launch the simulator w/ same message (works when targeting 4.x etc), which indicates to me a corrupt 3.0 sdk

The trouble is, I'm having trouble finding a place to download the 3.0 sdk, also (believe it or not), can't install xcode 4.2 for snow leopard (keep getting a bad dmg file from apple for some reason...)

thanks for listening ;)

Hey there :)

Take a look at this thread;

Let me know if that solves your problem.

Peach :)

Thanks so much - it did indeed - you rock!

(I had searched the forum topics for 'ios sdk' and never suspected that the EXACT error message would have been the thing to search for... doh!)

Also, for anyone who might be encountering similar issues: Ended up having to download the xcode 4.2 installer from an alternative source, for some reason apple's kept giving me a bad checksum error - possible fileserver/location based issue, who knows.

Not a problem at all - thanks for updating the thread, it may help others in the future. (Plus knowing it's solved means I don't have to worry you're sitting there unable to build!)

Peach :)

views:2124 update:2011/11/17 9:28:17
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