Embed a video in iPad2 app?, not url streaming!


This is my first post here!!!

Is it posible to embed a video in my app, I need it to be inside the app and not stream from a web server.

Best Regards

local onComplete = function(event)
   print( "video session ended" )
media.playVideo( "Movie.m4v", true, onComplete )

Thanx Matt

Just to be sure!!, It won't need a internet conection and the mp4 file will stick inside the app, when people buy the app from store?

Best Regards

Yes. You can try it after you build for device since the video playback won't work in the sim. That said, yes place the mp4 file in the same dir as the main.lua file you have for the project and you should be good.

I hate to reopen a 4 month old thread, but is it possible to place and limit the video in a certain section of the screen with navigation buttons to the side. I'm thinking along the lines of an iPad app with 6 or 7 buttons stacked vertically on the left that will play different videos which would appear on the right while the navigation buttons remain in view.

views:3452 update:2011/9/17 17:34:47
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