(Yet Another?) Game Center Question

I was just wondering if there is a way to only support GC (Game Center) without having to go through OF. A couple months ago I thought I heard of someone getting their app rejected because it went through OF to use GC

There is no way at the moment but it's coming soon. Can anyone confirm that Apple rejects the GC through OF setup?

As long as you make GC available through a button everything should be fine. our game Parallax got approved without any complaints.

function gotoGameCenter ()
 local appURL = "gamecenter:"
 system.openURL ( appURL )

Our fist game just approved last week, it has GC through OF.

Home screen just have a button to launch OF dashboard, I didn't put a button to launch GC app.

Just make sure to OF -> GC mapping is correct and the OFGameCenter.plist file is included in the bundle, you'll be just fine...

Thats good to hear. One other question, do you have to make separate GC achievements (and if so could you point me towards the API's) or do you make the achievements through OF and they just kind of transfer over to GC?

Yes, you'll need to define same achievements & leader boards on both OF control panel and the ITC game center panel for the app...

Check here...


Do you mean this is what it would look like? Because that is Objective-C code. That link helped me understand it very well thank you, I just wasn't sure if I missed some LUA code somewhere.

views:1802 update:2011/10/25 9:10:48
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