Good Book?

There doesn't seem to be a book available on Corona SDK.

As a beginner, I'm wondering if any of the books available on Lua would be a good place to start. My only worry is that there may be things discussed that aren't available in Corona. Most of these books are older.

Any recommendations from anyone who has read any of these?


burtons book not for begineer, is perfect for noobs, especially peach's tutorials

By my own opinion,

I highly recommend Mrs. Peach Pellen Blog and its Really Very Beginers Tutorials as well. Those for sure are one "big first kick" for someone that is looking forward learning Corona SDK and Lua Coding. That made a very good start FOR ME so I suggest that!

Hope it helps and again I am just sharing my own Corona Coding starting point so the best judge for you is yourself. =]

Techority Blog -

Welcome and Regards,

Thanks for all the recommendations!
I have been through all of Peach's tutorials and while it is a great start, it has left me with a lot of unanswered questions.

I'll look into these and hopefully find what I need.

Peach's tuts are great >

Dr Burton's book is good, but I think advanced.

The best way I learned was tearing apart the samples, piece by piece. Commenting out one line, seeing what happens, changing things like values and stuff like that. I never programmed anything before june 2011, so it was new to me as well.

Also, the API are your best friend. I usually start there. Later down the road, you will want to read the Box2d document as well.

For the beginning I basically did something like this:

put a display object on screen, like a ball.

Apply physics so the ball drops.

add a display.newRect at the bottom, add physics to that and make it static.

add drag code (via peach drag code) and play around with that.

add sensors to the ground and to the ball to make it change colors.

Hit up learning and tackle collision detection (this is a big one, and took me a while but now I see it as not that hard really :).

Basically what I am saying is take an example, start small keep adding. Heavily comment your code and explain to yourself in your own words how something works. I think that's about it.

oh and mobiltuts+ is a good place as well to go, google that.

Oh and cheetohmoskeeto on youtube.

Mmmm, yep that's all I can think of now :)



I believe Peach`s Beginers Tutorials are the first step and after that the Corona Docs will give you a very good base as well as answering the primary questions you got.(as you said above)


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