Confused on using depreciated stuff

With the recent talk of module and seeall being depreciated and not using global variables and so many code examples still using them, what route should I take to develop a game like ghosts vs monsters?
Or for that matter any game?

And what about items like director and particle candy?
Should I wait till they are updated to use these?

I can understand where you are coming from.

This conversation is similar to the olden days "GOTO is bad" type conversations. Many languages still use absolute jumps (similar to GOTO)

IMO, I feel that the article on not using module and seeall and metatables etc has just caused a lot of extra traffic on the forums with new users jumping at that without understand what they are doing and why.

so, long story short, do not be worried about the deprecation. Till the day LUA sources shall stop supporting and AnscaMobile including that build, these shall be usable.

Go ahead and knock yourself out, it does not really matter much.



Great! Thanks so much!!!

But if you want to get up to speed with the non module() way of doing things, here's a tutorial you may be interested in:

But as Jayant said, you don't have to worry about all these modules SUDDENLY becoming obsolete anytime soon.

So although it's best to catch up with the way things are going to be done (via the method in the article above), you also shouldn't worry.

views:1545 update:2011/10/19 8:59:29
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