Android builds (Win): it setps versionName to 1.0

I've made a build of my app for Adrnoid using windows version of SDK (build 623, the latest one). In build dialog I've set "Version" to 69. But when uploading to android market it shows me that version name is 1.0. But in my case I need to set version code to 1.1 or to 69 to be consistant with my previous builds. Build dialog doesnt allow to specify "." symbol. So my questions are:
1. Why it sets version name to 1.0 instead of the value i'm psecifying in build dialog?
2. How can I set versionName to the value I need?


Just to double check, you have set the version number in two places, yet? Build.settings and then in the window that pops up when you choose to build for Android?


The Android build has Version name and VersionCode issue. I specified the version number in build.settings and Corona screen and none of them will show in the final apk. The apk always has 1.0, no matter what you specified in anywhere. Eventually I still went ahead to post it into Android market. I think it is a bug.

It sounds like it, are you able to file a bug report please?

I thought the team was aware of this issue, otherwise I'd have reported it myself. There should be a reference to this issue somewhere else in the forum.

Regardless of being on Win or iOS, the android's versionCode only sets to full version numbers (1,2,3) while if you try 11 (for v1.1) that is not reflected in the AndroidManifest.xml file within the APK package.
The way I resolved it was to decompile the APK (apktool), edit the AndroidManifest.xml manually, then recompile it and resign it (jarsigner).
All in all, while that was the only solution, you may want to spare yourself this pain and submit a bug report!

Hope that helps

@peach pellen
On top of the versionCode issue, there is another one I came across when exporting our app to Android. It seems that the option installLocation never gets set to anything other than the default.
I needed to set it to:

installLocation = "preferExternal"

but that didn't work. For large apps, that's rather an important setting to have. That was 2 months ago though, not sure if the issue still applies.

views:1508 update:2011/10/17 8:58:49
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