Ability to Set Active Project

I move around my stacks of projects a lot and tonight for the 20th time I've clicked the Launch button only to launch the last project I looked at instead of the project I'm working on.

It would be very useful if I could right-click on a project and "Set Active Project" much like how I do in Visual Studio.

Use Case 1: No Active Project set by default.
This is for supporting all existing users and to keep current behavior consistent to what they are use to already.

Use Case 2: Context Menu option on a project to "Set Active Project"
This allows to set active project to be launched regardless of which folder might be selected at the time.

Use Case 3: Add Edit Projects option to unset "Active Project"
This allows to get the current behavior back if desired.

Use Case 4: Set Active Project color/text bold or diff icon, etc.
It should be obvious with a single glance on the list of project to see which project is set as the Active Project.

Please.. :)

Yeah, awesome idea -- I haven't done it 20 times in a day, but I've done it often enough for it to be a hassle.

Okay, how about this -- the Launch in the right-click menu will still launch whatever project you've selected, but the Launch in the Toolbar will launch whatever you have set as the Active Project (or the currently selected project if no Active Project is set).

I've added that functionality this evening -- a screenshot is below. You can see the active project has a green folder and if you right-click that project it gives you the option to Unset the Active Project.

I don't have an ETA yet on this version, but if you're not afraid of beta copies I can send you a link. :) Otherwise, I'll probably release a new version in 2-4 weeks.


I do this for a living :) http://www.linkedin.com/in/sharifhkhan

Send me the build; what do you use for test management? I'll switch over to using the bug tracker unless it's a feature request.

Should we use dropbox? It might be easier to share builds, results, screenshots, logs, etc. Thanks!

views:1927 update:2011/10/12 9:17:43
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