Can't use Simulator: incorrect date and/or time error message

My first experience with your software is this error message:

Your computer's clock has the incorrect date and/or time.
Please update with the correct time and try again.

I am running a fresh install of Windows 7 Home 64-bit and have never changed my system clock. It is pretty accurate by my standards. Just to double check, I resynchronized it with using Windows' built in Internet Time feature. I still can't use the simulator.

I looked around your forums and have learned that lots of other people have had this problem.

The SDK communicates with the server via a secure connection. Your clock must be correctly synced for the encryption.

I use plenty of secure connections all day long without any problems.

I would like to try out your framework please! Help?

I found a workaround:

1. Disable daylight savings time in Windows
2. Correct the Windows time manually to account for DST
3. Complete registration of Corona
4. Put your Windows time back the way it was before

@Developers: please test your registration system on Windows 7 64-bit again, this time with Daylight Savings Time set.

Hi All,

I too came across the same issue, and went through some posts and followed the day light savings (Reduced 1 hour from my current time). It was able to login perfectly then.

Thanks for your support.

views:1373 update:2011/10/11 22:13:38
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