Font rendering, are these samples normal?

First sample:

And a 300% crop:

Compared to font rendering in most native apps I use, the anti-aliasing is...umm...quite poor.

I just use display.newText().

Any idea?

try setting antialias to true in your config.lua file

Just tried this, same result.

I mean, it's not horrible, but it's very visible to me and doesn't look as good as the type of font rendering done by native apps.

So, as far as anyone can tell this is "normal"? Right?

I also suspect that something goes wrong with the fonts rendering. The quality is not the same with native apps and the fonts are not very crispy. I am talking about not-resized and not-retina objects on a 320*480 iphone screen.

One thing that might help you is to ensure that you position your text objects at absolute pixel positions. If you place your objects with a mathematical type be sure to apply a repositioniong function that places the object at: x-(x%1) and y-(y%1). Try this and see if the quality gets better...

Thanks, Magenda.

I'll post the code:

local simpleText = "Phonics instruction teaches children the relationships..."
local myText = display.newText(simpleText, 0, 0, native.Verdana, 32)
myText:setTextColor(0, 0, 0)
myText.x = math.floor(display.contentWidth / 2)
myText.y = math.floor(display.contentHeight / 2 + 200)

I believe (obviously, I cannot know for sure) that ANSCA eventually renders everything to an OpenGL ES canvas.

I also believe that when it comes to font rendering, that is not optimal.

Is ANSCA using the Texture2D class to render text?

Here is another example and here it's downright terrible:

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