corona movieclip crash

local movieclip = require("movieclip")

imageTable = {}
for i = 0,49 do
table.insert( imageTable, "Img/frontPage/" .. i .. ".png" )

playButtonAnim = movieclip.newAnim(imageTable)
playButtonAnim.x = display.contentWidth/2
playButtonAnim.y = display.contentHeight/2

--playButtonAnim:play( { loop = 1 })

above is my code and that's all. Seems like when i load more then 20 image into the movieclip it crash, yet it run nicely on simulator, so i think it would be a memory issue. is there any other way i can done this or anything i can improve to make it run on device ?

*those image was about 500+kb each, and i run it on iPad1.

it is crashing due to memory prob guaranty if you see the console log you can get the warning level1,level2 ... and crash

generally no app needs this much of data at the single time so don't load those assets until you actually need them and after used dispose them also.

and may be you can not use movieclip now i think it loads all assets at the same time (note i said i think i am not sure)

views:1482 update:2011/10/11 15:24:38
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