Because INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES I can't install to my ViewPad7(Android 2.2)

Dear all:

Please help! I use Corona SDK 268 and 484 to build a apk. But I install the apk to my ViewPad7 and occur the error message: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES. The command is "adb install -r SlideReader.apk"

It happened after I use keytool to create another new key. But I use "androiddebugkey" Cororna provided or new key to install failure. I have an old apk was built before using keytool to create new key. I use the old apk to install my ViewPad7 and success. So I think the problem is keytool, how to resolve it? thank you!


I created a forum topic on how to use keytool. You must have did something wrong. I hope my tutorial works.

Thanks for reply. But now I can't deploy the apk using "androiddebugkey" to ViewPad7 device and "emulator-5554" that Google AVD manager provided. So can I recovery the "androiddebugkey" from CoronaSDK ? Because I downloaded twice different SDK to rebuild, the result is the same:

Its not that hard. Make the APK file with corona. Use the debugke if you would like. Drag the APK file onto your sdcard. Then download the app App Installer on your device and install it. If it fails to work that way, that means you have coded something incorrectly and you should go to the terminal window in corona to see what the problem is.

But I use sample code that Corona provided to make APK, and use two way to install it (command and copy to sdcard to install). The result is the same. Today I use Eclipse to make a simple apk and install it to ViewPad7, it is OK! So I think the problem should be keystore from Corona after I create new key.
As blow, HelloWorld.apk be made from Corona with androiddebugkey. install it to emulator-5554 and the error message:

220-137-8-34:Documents Jemmy$ adb -s emulator-5554 install HelloWorld.apk
2250 KB/s (3002623 bytes in 1.302s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/HelloWorld.apk

I use another sample code from Corona to build apk file with androiddebugkey. Then I command as blow:
jarsigner -verbose -keystore debug.keystore HelloWorldLocalized.apk androiddebugkey

The last line message is:The signer certificate has expired.

I install the apk again, age the message as blow:

The signer certificate has expired.
220-137-13-45:Documents Jemmy$ adb -s emulator-5554 install HelloWorldLocalized.apk
2560 KB/s (2999213 bytes in 1.143s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/HelloWorldLocalized.apk

How to resolve it? thanks!

I use another Mac to install new Corona SDK and build the HelloWorld with androiddebugkey. Get HelloWorld.apk to install ViewPad7 and emulator-5554 of my MacBookPro. It is Ok!

So it is confuse that I can't test app on my MacBookPro. I reinstall Corona SDK twice. Can't recovery keystore of my MacBookPro.

I open two terminator. One run "adb logcat output", another run "adb install -r PolyLines.apk". Get some log message from logcat:

D/AndroidRuntime( 321):
D/AndroidRuntime( 321): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 321): CheckJNI is ON
D/AndroidRuntime( 321): --- registering native functions ---
D/dalvikvm( 253): GC_EXPLICIT freed 77 objects / 3728 bytes in 53ms
D/PackageParser( 58): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl47738.tmp
W/PackageParser( 58): Unknown element under : activity at /data/app/vmdl47738.tmp Binary XML file line #48
W/PackageParser( 58): Unknown element under : activity at /data/app/vmdl47738.tmp Binary XML file line #52
W/PackageParser( 58): Unknown element under : activity at /data/app/vmdl47738.tmp Binary XML file line #56
W/PackageParser( 58): Unknown element under : activity at /data/app/vmdl47738.tmp Binary XML file line #60
D/dalvikvm( 58): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 4720 objects / 441552 bytes in 86ms
D/PackageManager( 58): Scanning package com.chidopi.demo
E/PackageManager( 58): Package com.chidopi.demo has mismatched uid: 10036 on disk, 10039 in settings
I/PackageManager( 58): /data/app/com.chidopi.demo-1.apk changed; unpacking
W/PackageManager( 58): Native ABI mismatch from package file
W/PackageManager( 58): Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.chidopi.demo-1.apk
D/dalvikvm( 58): GC_EXPLICIT freed 8762 objects / 389216 bytes in 94ms
D/AndroidRuntime( 321): Shutting down VM
D/jdwp ( 321): adbd disconnected
I/AndroidRuntime( 321): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder Thread #3' failed

So maybe I need to reinstall Mac OS X to recovery >"

You can get the [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK] message if your device is an ARMv6 device.
The Viewsonic ViewPad 7 Tablet seems to be ARMv6 on this list here:

So maybe try with an ARMv7 device?

Thanks for reply! You are right. At first I use keytool to generate new key and build apk with new key on Corona build 268, it happened INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES.
And then I use Corona build 484, 495..etc,. To build apk with androiddebugkey or new key, it is happened INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK.
And then I remove all Corona SDK including data in /Applications. Reinstall Corona build 484, 495 to build apk, It happened INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK too.
Until I use Corona build 268 to build apk, it's finally success! >"<
Thanks your help very much. ^^

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