"The linked program is no longer installed on your phone" error

I seem to have a bit of a major problem.

When I installed the latest version of my app built with daily build 570 (windows) I get "The linked program is no longer installed on your phone" when running directly from the Icon, (it runs fine from the installer).

I've tried playing with the version numbers/names but I always get the same problem. I rolled back to corona 505(stable), reinstalled the old version of my game directly from the market and then tried the new version again and the problem is resolved.

I wanted to use the beta build as it claims to resolve a crash on android I'm seeing occasionally.

Unfortunately I didn't notice the problem on another app of mine which I released to the market and have since seem my active users fall quite substantially, is this a known problem? Is there anything I can do to prevent this reoccuring, and going forward I want to use the newer builds but don't want to lose my existing users/cause them problems when they upgrade.

Daily builds are not guaranteed to work perfectly, or at all - sadly all I can say is hang in there and wait on the next stable.

I'm still getting the same problem with the new stable build (591), really frustrating, it could be something to do with my phone. I'll test on friends tomorrow, but I have a feeling it something to do with build settings.

Any ideas, anyone?

We're aware of some issues some people have been having, could you file a proper bug report and let me know the #, please?

views:1581 update:2011/10/8 8:54:25
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