problem with buttons


I'm trying to build an application for iPad. This is my first app and I have no experience whatsoever in Lua - only coding experience is web languages (html, css, some php) and actionscript.

I would assume what I want to do is simple, but I can't seem to figure it out.

I have multiple pages of a comic book that I want the reader to be able to flip through (iPad is positioned horizontally). I've used the slideView code as a template and that works well. However, I also am planning on implementing a nav bar along the top that allows the user to switch to certain images in the slideView code structure. So in slideView when I call local myImages = { "sheet1.jpg", "sheet2.jpg", "sheet3.jpg", etc }" is there a way to set my buttons to go back to, say, sheet 3 from sheet 15 as well as sheet 5 from sheet 9?

views:1545 update:2011/10/5 21:23:48
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