Adding Autocomplete List to BBEdit

To add Corona auto-complete list to BBEdit, follow the instructions below.
I am using BBEdit version 10.0.1 from the App Store.
NOTE: This does not require BBAutoComplete.

- Goto your Applications folder and right click on BBEdit and select "Show Package Contents"
- Now goto "Contents/Language Modules/Lua.bblm/Contents", there should be a file "Info.plist"
- Make a backup of file "Info.plist"
- Now replace the "Info.plist" with the file below.

If for some reason it doesn't work, then the "Info.plist" is not compatible with your BBEdit.
You can fix the problem by coping the lines between:

First remove the lines between the arrays.
Now copy all keywords between these two arrays from the file below and paste into your original "Info.plist" and save.


Info.plist file:

Awesome! I've been looking for something like this for a while!!

Awesome. Thank you. I guess we need to keep this updated as new releases come around.

Thanks for that, did any of you see the about and then scroll down to "unindicted co-conspirators" have a look, I did and I was pleasantly surprised, wanted to make sure that it was the same on other machines too, not just mine...



views:1600 update:2011/10/5 8:48:05
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