apk not install on my smartphone

I have a samsung ace galaxy, ARMv6 processor, and Acquired recently the free version of the sdk corona, since it is a version that creates applications only to processors ARMv7 ...

Well, I wish I could test my applications on my smartphone or samples. and since this is just personal use, I wonder if you have any form of power generating applications for my smartphone, or if there's a version of the sdk corona in order to create applications to process ARMv6 ...

excuse me for my English.


Hi Jorge,

Unfortunately no, there were older builds that could build for ARMv6 devices however performance was dreadful.

Sorry :(

then unfortunately I will be at least one member who could make good use of your products. because not everyone has a cellphone with these requezitos ... Not to mention that when I bought did not even know there were several types of processor in android .. thanks for your answer

Sorry to hear that Jorge, Corona is a fantastic SDK however it just doesn't work well for us to support ARMv6 devices.

Best of luck to you with your project, I hope in the future you decide to look at Corona again - I have used other SDKs and never been as happy as I am with Corona. (I was a user long before I was staff ;))

Good luck!

Peach :)

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