WYSIWYG Editor Creation

Is it possible with Corona to create an app that has a WYSIWYG, meaning a text editor app with bold/underline/italic, alignment etc. I see the native text elements but I'm not sure the functionality exists to edit text within it on the fly, to do changing of text on the fly eg. making text bold within the text element when it's highlighted and the bold button is pushed.

Very ambitious!

That can't be done right now.


eric, do you mean a web-wysiwyg editor like tinymce, fck or so or native?
you see, safari doesnt support contenteditable....big bummer for this, since
all these editors are built on this. Google is working on something at the
mo if memory serves me ok though...

a native editor....please let me know when you have some progress in this,
but as carlos says....i'm afraid....

views:1645 update:2011/10/2 9:44:12
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